Deploying Reporting in the Single Server, Single Management Group Scenario
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2, Operations Manager 2007 SP1
In this scenario, the SQL Reporting Services database and the Operations Manager Data Warehouse database are installed in the same instance of SQL Server as the Operations Manager database.
During this installation, you are prompted for two accounts: the Data Warehouse Write account and the Data Reader account. These accounts are created as domain user accounts and added to the local Administrators group on the target server.
Data Warehouse Write account: This account is assigned write permissions on the Data Warehouse database and read permissions on the Operations Manager database.
Before you perform this procedure, be sure that the account you plan to use for the Data Warehouse Write Account has SQL Login rights and is an Administrator on the computers hosting both the Operations Manager database and Reporting data warehouse. Otherwise, setup will fail and all changes will be rolled back. This might leave SQL Reporting Services in an inoperable state.
Data Reader account: This account is used to define which account credentials SQL Reporting Services uses to run queries against the Operations Manager Reporting Data Warehouse. This account is also used for the SQL Reporting Services IIS application pool account to connect to the RMS.
The account that you use to run the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting installation must be a member of the following groups and roles.
Local Administrator – this is required by the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting installation and for configuring SQL Server Reporting Services.
Operations Manager Administrator role – this is required for configuring reporting roles.
SQL SysAdmin for the Operations Manager database – this is required for configuring dwsynch_users role.
SQL SysAdmin for the Data Warehouse database – this is required for configuring OpsMgrWriter and OpsMgrReader roles.
Ensure that SQL Server Reporting services has been correctly installed and configured. For more information about installing and configuring SQL Server 2005 Reporting services see; for SQL Server 2008 Reporting services see
For a listing of the top 10 Reporting Services installation issues and their resolutions see
On the server that you are going to install Operations Manager on, log on with the Operations Manager Administrator account.
On your installation media, run SetupOM.exe to start the System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Setup wizard.
Under the Install heading, click Install Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
On the End-User License Agreement page, read the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
On the Product Registration page, enter the appropriate values in the User Name and Organization fields, and then click Next.
On the Custom Setup page, ensure that the Data Warehouse and Reporting Server components are set to This component, and all dependent components, will be installed on the local disk drive, and then click Next.
If you specify a custom name for the Data Warehouse database, be sure not to include a '-' character. The database installation will fail if a '-' character is included in the name.
On the Connect to the Root Management Server page, enter the name of the first server in the management group. In this case, it is the server that you are installing Operations Manager on. Click Next.
On the SQL Server Database Instance page, select the SQL Server database instance from the drop-down list. This drop-down list contains the SQL Server database instance name that was created when you installed SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 and should be the name of the server that you are installing Operations Manager 2007 R2 on. Accept the SQL Server Port default (1433) or modify it if you have configured SQL to use a different port. Click Next.
On the Database and Log File Options page, you can accept the default value of OperationsManagerDW for the SQL Database Name, or you can enter a different name. It is recommended that you accept the default value. Enter an appropriate value in the Database size field or accept the default 1000 MB.
If you choose to use custom directories for the OperationsManagerDW data and log files, you must create these custom directories prior to starting the setup process for the OperationsManagerDW.
The Data file location and Log file location boxes indicate where the database and log files will be installed. The default is the installation directory of SQL Server on the computer. If you have created additional partitions or drives to allow the separation of the database files and the log files, click Advanced to enter the appropriate drive, path and folder names. Otherwise, click Next.
On the SQL Server Reporting Services Instance page, select the Reporting Services server instance name from the drop-down list. The server name should already be selected. Click Next.
Installing Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting Services integrates the security of the SQL Reporting Services instance with the Operations Manager role-based security. Do not install any other Reporting Services applications in this same instance of SQL Server Reporting Services.
On the Data Warehouse Write Account page, enter the Data Write account credentials, and then click Next.
On the Data Reader Account page, enter the Data Reader account credentials, and then click Next.
On the Operational Data Reports page, indicate whether you want to send data reports to Microsoft, and then click Next.
On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install when you are ready for the installation to proceed.
After setup completes, the Setup wizard displays the Completing the Operations Manager Reporting Components Setup Wizard page. Click Finish.
Operations Manager Reports are accessed in the Operations console, in the Reporting view. After initial deployment, it takes up to 30 minutes for reports to appear.
Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for the Operations Manager 2007 R2 management group.
Select the Reporting view.
Click Microsoft ODR Report Library, and then double-click any of the reports listed; by default, you should see the management group, management packs and Most Common Alerts reports. The selected report will then generate and display in a new window.
Selecting the management packs report is particularly useful at this point because it provides you with a full inventory of the management packs that have been installed on your server.
Close the report window.