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Appendix H: Branding BDD 2007

BDD 2007 supports branding. The Computer Imaging System feature team can customize Deployment Workbench and the Windows Deployment Wizard. For example, customize Workbench.xml in C:\Program Files\BDD 2007\Bin to change the text displayed in the Deployment Workbench title bar and for each item in the console tree. While it’s generally safe to customize the <Name> tag in Workbench.xml, avoid changing other tags.

The LTI process is driven by XML files called definition files. The Computer Imaging System feature team can brand the entire LTI process by customizing the following files, which are in D:\Distribution\Scripts, where D is the drive containing the distribution share:

  • BDD_Welcome_ENU.xml. Customize this file to change the text displayed on the Windows Deployment Wizard’s welcome screen.

  • Credentials_ENU.xml. Customize this file to change the text displayed in the User Credentials dialog box.

  • DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml. Customize this file to change the text for each pane displayed by the Windows Deployment Wizard.

  • Summary_Definition_ENU.xml. Customize this file to change the text displays in the Deployment Summary dialog box, which displays at the end of the LTI process.


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