Displays or modifies file types used in file name extension associations. Used without parameters, ftype displays the file types that have open command strings defined.
Ftype [FileType[=[OpenCommandString]]]
FileType : Specifies the file type you want to display or change.
OpenCommandString : Specifies the open command to use when opening files of this type.
/? : Displays help at the command prompt.
Within an OpenCommandString, ftype substitutes the following variables:
%0 or %1 are replaced with the file name that you want to open.
%* is replaced with all of the parameters.
%~ n is replaced with all of the remaining parameters, starting with the nth parameter, where n can be any number from 2 to 9.
%2 is replaced with the first parameter, %3 with the second, and so on.
To display the current file types that have open command strings defined, type:
To display the current open command string for a specific file type, type:
ftype FileType
To delete the open command string for a specific file type, type:
ftype FileType**=**
ASSOC .pl=PerlScript FTYPE PerlScript=perl.exe %1 %*
To invoke the Perl script, type:
script.pl 1 2 3
To eliminate the need to type the extensions, type:
To invoke the Perl script, type:
script 1 2 3
Format |
Meaning |
Italic |
Information that the user must supply |
Bold |
Elements that the user must type exactly as shown |
Ellipsis (...) |
Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line |
Between brackets ([]) |
Optional items |
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} |
Set of choices from which the user must choose only one |
Courier font |
Code or program output |