Value(), Nodes(), and OpenXML()

You can use multiple value() methods on xml data type in a SELECT clause to generate a rowset of extracted values. The nodes() method yields an internal reference for each selected node that can be used for additional query. The combination of the nodes() and value() methods can be more efficient in generating the rowset when it has several columns and, perhaps, when the path expressions used in its generation are complex.

The nodes() method yields instances of a special xml data type, each of which has its context set to a different selected node. This kind of XML instance supports query(), value(), nodes(), and exist() methods and can be used in count(*) aggregations. All other uses cause an error.

Example: Using nodes()

Assume that you want to extract the first and last names of authors, and the first name is not "David". Additionally, you want to extract this information as a rowset that contains two columns, FirstName and LastName. By using nodes() and value() methods, you can accomplish this as shown in the following:

SELECT nref.value('(first-name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') FirstName,
       nref.value('(last-name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)') LastName
FROM   T CROSS APPLY xCol.nodes('//author') AS R(nref)
WHERE  nref.exist('first-name[. != "David"]') = 1

In this example, nodes('//author') yields a rowset of references to <author> elements for each XML instance. The first and last names of authors are obtained by evaluating value() methods relative to those references.

SQL Server 2000 provides the capability for generating a rowset from an XML instance by using OpenXml(). You can specify the relational schema for the rowset and how values inside the XML instance map to columns in the rowset.

Example: Using OpenXml() on the xml Data Type

The query can be rewritten from the previous example by using OpenXml() as shown in the following. This is done by creating a cursor that reads each XML instance into an XML variable and then applies OpenXML to it:

DECLARE name_cursor CURSOR
   SELECT xCol 
   FROM   T
OPEN name_cursor
DECLARE @idoc int
FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @xmlVal

   EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xmlVal
   SELECT   *
   FROM   OPENXML (@idoc, '//author')
          WITH (FirstName  varchar(50) 'first-name',
                LastName   varchar(50) 'last-name') R
   WHERE  R.FirstName != 'David'

   EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc
   FETCH NEXT FROM name_cursor INTO @xmlVal
CLOSE name_cursor
DEALLOCATE name_cursor 

OpenXml() creates an in-memory representation and uses work tables instead of the query processor. It relies on the XPath version 1.0 processor of MSXML version 3.0 instead of the XQuery engine. The work tables are not shared among multiple calls to OpenXml(), even on the same XML instance. This limits its scalability. OpenXml() allows you to access an edge table format for the XML data when the WITH clause is not specified. Also, it allows you to use the remaining XML value in a separate, "overflow" column.

The combination of nodes() and value() functions uses XML indexes effectively. As a result, this combination can exhibit more scalability than OpenXml.

See Also
