Change Planning Server Application Pool Identity and Service Identity Account

Updated: 2009-04-09

After Planning Server has been installed and been actively running, you may need to change the application pool or service identity (SI) accounts. Step through the following procedure carefully.


To change the service identity account for Planning Server

  1. Change the application pool identity and SI accounts from the Planning Configuration Manager.

    1. Start the Planning Configuration Manager, and then select Remove Services and then click Next.

    2. Select all the components that you are going to change for the application pool or SI accounts, and then click Next.

    3. Complete all selections for the Planning Configuration Manager, and then click Close to exit.

    4. Start the Planning Configuration Manager again. Select Add Service, and then click Next.

    5. Select all the components that you are going to add and click Next. You must unselect the Database if you wish to attach to existing Planning Server databases.

    6. Specify the SQL Server instance that contains the existing the Planning Server database. This allows you to “attach” to existing Planning Server databases.

    7. Enter the new application pool and SI account.

    8. Continue to completion of the Planning Configuration Manager using the new application pool and SI accounts.

  2. For each application database, execute the following stored procedure to assign proper permissions to this new Application Pool and SI accounts on each application database.

    declare @ret int
    EXEC @ret = dbo.bsp_AssignSIPermissionsAppDB
                @ServiceIdentityAcctName = N'Domain\NewServiceIdentityAccount’
    select @ret
  3. Manually add the application pool and SI accounts to your Analysis Services server's Security role:

    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your Analysis Services server.

    2. In the Object Explorer pane, right-click (Microsoft Analysis Server…), and then select Properties.

    3. Click Security, and then click Add.

    4. Add your new application pool identity or SI account, and then click OK.

    5. Click OK to close the Properties window. Your application pool or SI account has now been added to SQL Server Analysis Services.

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See Also