Installing a Microsoft SQL Server Database

On This Page

Installation Summary Installation Summary
Database Backup Considerations Database Backup Considerations
Configuring Security with SQL Server Configuring Security with SQL Server
Requirements for Installing the Database Requirements for Installing the Database
Installing the Database Installing the Database
Upgrading the Database Upgrading the Database
Using the DCA in a Standalone Mode Using the DCA in a Standalone Mode

Installation Summary

The following steps summarize the tasks required to install Microsoft Content Management Server 2001 with a Microsoft SQL Server database. For each step, the relevant chapter in this guide is given.

  1. Confirm that your MSCMS 2001 server meets hardware and software requirements (Chapter 1, "Getting Started").

  2. Run setup.exe (Chapter 2, "Installing the MSCMS 2001 Server and Site Builder").

  3. Create and configure a new Microsoft SQL Server database.

  4. Install the database using the Database Configuration Application (DCA) (this chapter).

  5. When the DCA is complete, it will launch the Server Configuration Application (SCA), if you choose to do so at this point. The SCA is a browser-based utility used to do configuration changes to the server. For a first-time install, you can use it to modify configuration settings.

Information in this chapter pertains to the three modes of running the DCA: new install, upgrade, and standalone.

About incomplete installations

Once a database has been populated or upgraded you cannot undo the changes to the database.

Basic information about the upgrade procedure is in this chapter, "Upgrading the database."

Database Backup Considerations

Back up the database after the initial installation. Then, back up regularly using your preferred method.

Configuring Security with SQL Server

Content Management Server 2001 integrates with the security features of your Windows 2000 network. When using trusted or integrated security, for Microsoft SQL Server, the account used for the DCA operation must have dbo rights to the database.

Reserved keywords

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 uses reserved keywords for several functions and you should avoid using these for database naming. A list of these keywords is at the Microsoft site

User naming conventions and Microsoft SQL Server

Follow these naming conventions for your Content Management Server 2001 accounts to ensure compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Ensure the combined total of characters for the MSCMS 2001 domain and user names does not exceed 30 characters.

  • Avoid using names that have embedded spaces.

  • Avoid using names that contain special characters such as the following:

hyphen ( - )
period ( . )
apostrophe ( ' )
exclamation mark ( ! )

"at" sign ( @ )
per cent sign ( % )
ampersand ( & )
caret ( ^ )
backslash ( \ )

Requirements for Installing the Database

Installation user requirements

You must be logged on using a domain account with administrator rights for the machine on which you've installed the MSCMS 2001 server. Also, you'll need database owner rights, if you're using integrated security.

If you are going to be using a trusted connection, be sure that the db_datareader and db_datawriter roles have been applied (in the User properties of Database in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager). Furthermore, even if you don't intend to use a trusted connection, you need to use a local SQL Server login account which must also belong to these user roles.

A user who is going to run DCA to install or upgrade the database and who isn't a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, must be mapped to the dbo user in that database. This is because the database objects created during the install or upgrade are qualified with dbo instead of the user's name. Do this by executing the sp_changedbowner system stored procedure. Or, refer to SQL Server Books Online.

Installing the Database

Note The Database Configuration Application (DCA) may stop IIS during a first-time installation or an upgrade.

The following section steps you through a new database installation for Microsoft SQL Server. In this case, you are presented with all the dialog boxes. If you are doing an upgrade, you will get a subset of the dialog boxes.

First-time installation

The DCA is launched on completion of the InstallShield Wizard, or you can run the DCA from Start>Programs>Microsoft Content Management Server. The DCA presents a series of dialog boxes with the required action described in the following table.


Dialog box title




Click Next.


Select a virtual site for hosting the Microsoft Content Management Server

Select an IIS virtual Web site for hosting the Content Management Server 2001 directories. Note that the Virtual Server area contains a list of all virtual servers defined by IIS. Click Next.
You can also choose whether authoring is allowed on the MSCMS 2001 server. By default, authoring is allowed.


SCA Web Entry Point

Select an IIS virtual Web site to host the MSCMS 2001 Server Configuration Application (SCA). The selection will fail-installation won't continue- if the site chosen is protected by Site Server.
Although you can use the same site as for the MSCMS 2001's initial Web site, we recommend you not do this (you'll get a warning message regarding this, or if the site is on Port 80). You also receive a warning if the SCA virtual Web site allows anonymous access or grants access by default.
Click Next.


MSCMS System Account

Click Browse to select the domain user to be the MSCMS 2001 System Account user. Enter the password for that account. The System Account must have read/write access to the database if using integrated security. Click Next.
Note: You can also manually enter a domain and user name in this dialog box, especially if there many domains or many users in the specified domain, to save time.
The DCA verifies that the MSCMS 2001 System Account user has rights to "logon locally" to this machine. If not, a dialog box opens with the option to grant these rights to this account. You must select Yes to proceed with the installation.


Select the database platform you wish to use

Ensure the MSCMS 2001 System Account chosen earlier has the necessary rights to the database you select in this step.


SQL Server Login

Enter the server name, login ID, and password. There is an option to "Use Trusted Connection" in order to use the MSCMS 2001 System Account to connect to the database. If you select this, the server connects to the database as the MSCMS 2001 System Account, so the System Account chosen must have read and write rights to the database. Also, the DCA uses the Windows logon user to populate the database. The logon user must have dbo rights to the database during database configuration.
If SQL logon is used (you're not using the Trusted Connection), the server connects to the database using the SQL login user. The DCA also uses this SQL login user to configure the database. The SQL login user must have dbo rights in the database.
Click the options button to provide information such as database name. Click OK.


Database Population

Once an MSCMS 2001 database has been populated you cannot undo the change.
Confirm that the SQL Server name and Database name fields contain the correct information. Click Next to populate the database with initial schema and data. This can take a few minutes to complete.
If you are installing on an existing database, it will be upgraded if required. During the installation, the database will install as is, or will stop if the destination database is considered to be corrupt from an MSCMS 2001 perspective (e.g. old version of the database, which isn't technically "corrupt" but won't work in this installation).
Also, if this is not a new database, a dialog box appears inquiring if you want to add a new administrator. If you click Yes, a new administrator can be added,


Select Initial MSCMS Administrator

Click Browse to select a Windows 2000 domain user account to be the Initial MSCMS 2001 Administrator account. Or, you can manually enter the domain and user information (depending on size of domain). Initially, this will be the only account that can log on to MSCMS 2001-use this account to set up MSCMS 2001 access rights and hierarchies. Enter a password. Click Next.
Note that this is not the same account as the MSCMS 2001 System Account. This account is added to the database; the MSCMS 2001 System Account is not added.
The Initial MSCMS 2001 Administrator account user must be a Windows 2000 domain user account (or an NT domain user account through a PDC emulator).


Committing changes

Progress message only. This can take several minutes.


MSCMS Site Stager Security Vulnerability

As per instructions on the screen. Pertains to potential security risk with the /NR/System/Staging directory used by MSCMS 2001 Site Stager.



The database installation process is complete. Click Finish.
You have the option (it's the default) to launch the Server Configuration Application (SCA) at this time by checking the check box before clicking Finish.

Upgrading the Database

For an upgrade to the database (not the first-time install), do the following steps only.

  1. Launch the DCA from Windows Start>Programs>Microsoft Content Management Server>Database Configuration Application.

  2. Select a database to use (if required). The current database is selected by default.

  3. IIS will stop. Reminder: Clicking No exits the DCA.

  4. The Site Stager security vulnerability dialog box may appears. Respond appropriately.

  5. You are given the option to launch the SCA. Proceed as previously described.

Note The DCA maps the NR virtual directory for the MSCMS 2001 virtual Web site to <target-dir>\Server\IIS_NR.

Using the DCA in a Standalone Mode

After a successful installation or upgrade, you may want to launch the DCA as a standalone utility. Then you can set up and configure the database, switch between existing databases, or add an Initial MSCMS 2001 Administrator. A configuration screen is provided for this task.