Using the MSSLogToDatabase Tool (MSSLogToDatabase.exe) to Import Log Files

Using the MSSLogToDatabase Tool (MSSLogToDatabase.exe) to Import Log Files

The event logging information recorded in .etl files can be viewed and analyzed in the Speech Application Log Analysis Tools, described in the topic Speech Application Log Analysis Tools. First, the data in the .etl files must be imported to databases designed for these tools.

Use the MSSLogToDatabase command-line tool to create both the Speech Application Reports database and the Call Viewer database in a single operation; or use it to create either of these two databases individually. As an alternative, if SQL Server Enterprise Manager is installed use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services to create these databases, as described in the topic Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services to Import Log Files.

To use the MSSLogToDatabase command-line tool to import logs into a reporting database, the user must have permissions to run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) on the server hosting Reporting Services.

Whenever a reports database import is executed, the Default Reports are uploaded to the folder specified by the /reportfolder parameter, but will not overwrite any existing reports in this folder with the same name. For a new upload either delete the existing reports in the folder, or point the upload to a different folder.

Creating Both Databases with a Single Command

To create both the Call Viewer and Speech Application Reports databases in one operation, see the syntax and example in this section.


MSSLogToDatabase inputfile 
/server:value /database:value 
[/username:value] [/password:value]
/reportserver:value /reportdatabase:value
[reportusername:value] [reportpassword:value]
[/i] [/commandtimeout:value]




Specifies the paths and file names of the log files to read. Required.


Specifies the SQL Server to connect to for the Call Viewer database. Required.


Specifies the Call Viewer database to import to. Required.


Specifies the username for SQL Server authentication on the Call Viewer database. Optional.


Specifies the password for SQL Server authentication on the Call Viewer database. Optional.


Specifies a filename listing the desired event types for the import. The default is to import all events. Find sample files listing event names in the same directory as MSSLogToDatabase.exe. Optional.


Specifies the SQL Server to connect to for the Speech Application Reports database. Required.


Specifies the Speech Application Reports database to import to. Required.


Specifies the name of the name of the machine hosting the service, for example /reportserviceshost:myServer. Required.


Specifies the username for SQL Server authentication on the Speech Application Reports database. Optional.


Specifies the password for SQL Server authentication on the Speech Application Reports database. Optional.


Specifies a name for the target Reporting Services folder. Optional. If unspecified, Speech Application Reports is used.


Specifies a filename listing additional event types to add to the reports. Optional.


Specifies that unresolved event entries are ignored when creating the database. Optional. If this flag is not included and unresolved event entries are found, the process is aborted.


Specifies the timeout in seconds for SQL commands executed during the import operation. Optional. Defaults to 600 seconds.

To import log files to both databases
  1. On the taskbar, click Start, click Run, type cmd and click OK.

  2. At the command prompt, type cd \Program Files\Microsoft Speech Application SDK 1.1\SDKTools\Log Analysis and press ENTER.

  3. Enter the appropriate MSSLogToDatabase.exe syntax, and press ENTER.


The following example imports data from logfile.etl to a Call Viewer database named viewerDB, and to a Speech Application Reports database named reportsDB on the server myServer.

MSSLogToDatabase logfile.etl /server:myServer /database:viewerDB /username:loguser /password:pwd /reportserver:myServer /reportdatabase:reportsDB /reportserviceshost:myServer /reportusername:loguser /reportpassword:pwd /i

Creating the Call Viewer Database Only

To create just the Call Viewer database, see the syntax and example in this section.


MSSLogToDatabase inputfile 
/server:value /database:value
[/username:value] [/password:value]
[/i] [/commandtimeout:value]




Specifies the path and file name of the log file to read. Required.


Specifies the SQL Server to connect to for the Call Viewer database. Required.


Specifies the Call Viewer database to import to. Required.


Specifies the username for SQL Server authentication. Optional.


Specifies the password for SQL Server authentication. Optional.


Specifies a filename listing the desired event types for the import. The default is to import all events. Find sample files listing event names in the same directory as MSSLogToDatabase.exe. Optional.


Specifies that unresolved event entries are ignored when creating the database. Optional. If this flag is not included and unresolved event entries are found, the process is aborted.


Specifies the timeout in seconds for SQL commands executed during the import operation. Optional. Defaults to 600 seconds.

Also see the procedure in the earlier section: Creating Both Databases with a Single Command.


The following example imports data from logfile.etl to a Call Viewer database named viewerDB on the server myServer.

MSSLogToDatabase logfile.etl /server:myServer /database:viewerDB /username:loguser /password:pwd /events:events.txt /i

Creating the Speech Application Reports Database Only

To create just the Speech Application Reports database, see the syntax and example in this section.


MSSLogToDatabase inputfile 
/reportserver:value /reportdatabase:value 
[reportusername:value] [reportpassword:value]
[/i] [/commandtimeout:value]




Specifies the path and file name of the log file to read. Required.


Specifies the SQL Server to connect to for the Speech Application Reports database. Required.


Specifies the Speech Application Reports database to import to. Required.


Specifies the name of the name of the machine hosting the service, for example /reportserviceshost:myServer. Required.


Specifies the username for SQL Server authentication. Optional.


Specifies the password for SQL Server authentication. Optional.


Specifies the target Reporting Services folder. If unspecified, Speech Application Reports is used.


Specifies a filename listing additional event types to add to the reports. Optional.


Specifies that unresolved event entries are ignored when creating the database. Optional. If this flag is not included and unresolved event entries are found, the process is aborted.


Specifies the timeout in seconds for SQL commands executed during the import operation. Optional. Defaults to 600 seconds.

Also see the procedure in the earlier section: Creating Both Databases with a Single Command.


The following example imports data from logfile.etl to a database named reportsDB on the server myServer.

MSSLogToDatabase logfile.etl /reportserver:myServer /reportdatabase:reportsDB /reportserviceshost:myServer /reportusername:loguser /reportpassword:pwd  /reportfolder:myReports /reportevents:events.txt /i
See Also

Importing Log Files