ApplicationOperatorEvent Class

ApplicationOperatorEvent Class

Abstract:  Yes
Raised by:  Not applicable
Base Class:  ApplicationScriptEvent
Derived Classes:  ErrorMessage, WarningMessage, InformationalMessage

The abstract ApplicationOperatorEvent defines an event type for all messages sent to the Windows Event log from application script. The derived classes define the severity level of the event.

ApplicationOperatorEvent implements the following property:






A text string that specifies the content of the message.


Abstract events do not appear directly in the logs. Properties inherited or defined by the abstract class appear in the logs when implemented in derived classes.

Events sent to the Windows Event log are visible to system administrators and operations staff. Message text for these events should contain clear information about the event, and in cases of warning– or error–level events, provide information about steps to take to resolve the situation.

See Also

Event Logging Class Hierarchy | Logging and Analyzing Events | CommonEvent | Event Logging Schema: Abstract Events