Debug Sink

Debug Sink

During initial application development and debugging, the ability to view logged events real-time can be invaluable. Microsoft Speech Server (MSS) events can be directed to any active debugging console by using the MSSLogConfig tool.

The syntax for the tool includes a /FILTER argument that can take as a value any of the predefined logging filters, or a custom-defined filter name.

When /FILTER is set to ApplicationDebug, all events gathered by the filter are routed to the active debugging console.

Additionally, MSSLogConfig includes a /SINK argument that can take three values:

  • EventLog

  • TraceSink

  • DebugSink

Events gathered by a custom-defined filter can be routed to a debugging console by setting /SINK to DebugSink.

See Also

Event Sinks | Event Filters | Event Sources | Event Categories