Using the MSSUsageReport Log Analysis Tool

Using the MSSUsageReport Log Analysis Tool

MSSUsageReport provides summary statistics based on the events raised during a given Trace session, and captured in an .etl (Event Trace Log) file. The data summarized includes, but is not limited to: recognition accuracy, user perceived latency, and application task information.

MSSUsageReport source [destination]] [/m[ax[events]]:nnnn] 
[/b[aseurl]:url] [/f[rom]:["mm-dd-[yy]yy] hh:mm[:ss]"] 
[/t[o]:["mm-dd-[yy]yy] hh:mm[:ss]"] /h ,/?




Specifies the path and file name of the .etl file to read.


Specifies the file to write to. If unspecified, the name of the .etl source file is used, but saved with a .txt extension.


Specifies a URL string that is suffixed with a * wildcard and matched against the URL in each event. Only events that match are extracted.


Specifies a date/time from which to start extracting events. (No events logged earlier than this date/time are included in the extraction.)


Specifies a date/time after which no logged events are to be included in the extraction.

/h, /?

Displays syntax and usage information for MSSUsageReport.

To run the MSSUsageReport log analysis tool

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Speech Application SDK, click Debugging Tools, and click Microsoft Speech Application SDK Command Prompt.

  2. In the command window, type MSSUsageReport, followed by the log file name and any of the optional parameters if needed. Ensure any command line parameters are quoted if they contain spaces. Press ENTER.

  3. To open the destination text file, double-click it in Windows Explorer.


MSSUsageReport creates a formatted text file containing the following information.

Summary Section

The summary section of the report provides the following information:

  • log file path

  • time stamp for log completion

  • time stamp for first and last logged entries

  • total time span of logged entries

  • server name

  • total number of calls and events

Tasks Report

The Tasks report provides the following information for each task:

  • count of starts, completions and progresses

  • total number of calls for the task

Tasks are developer-defined. One example of a task might be recognizing and validating user responses associated with a particular QA control.

Latency Report

The Latency report provides the following information for each listen/prompt pair:

  • total number of user-perceived latency events

  • average user-perceived latency

  • worst-case user-perceived latency

Speech Recognition Report

The recognition report provides three summaries: overall, by ListenID, and by page. For each summary, it reports the following:

  • total number of recognitions

  • number of successful recognitions

  • percent of successful recognitions

See Also

MSSLogToText | MSSContentExtract