MSSLogConfigstrong Syntax

MSSLogConfig Syntax


Note The .vbs extension is not necessary if CScript.exe is registered as the default application for .vbs extensions.

ACTION may be one of the following:


  /activate /filter:FilterName [COMPONENT]

  /deactivate /filter:FilterName [COMPONENT]

  /set /filter:FilterName [COMPONENT]

  /filters [COMPONENT]

  /activefilters [COMPONENT]

  /createfilter /filter:FilterName
    Category:[SINK],[SINK] ...

  /deletefilter /filter:FilterName


  /categories /filter:FilterName


ARGS may be one of the following:



FilterName may be one of the following (or any custom-defined filter name):




  CallStatistics (default)







SINK may be one of the following:


  TraceSink (default)


COMPONENT may be one of the following:







Note  Specifying a value for COMPONENT other than / ALL sends only events for the specified component to the logs, even if the filter includes events defined by other components. For most purposes, use the default value (/ ALL) for this parameter.

See Also

Using MSSLogConfig | MSSLogConfig Examples