SES Class

SES Class

The SES class contains properties for viewing and modifying Speech Engine Services (SES) configuration settings. It also exposes the current state of the service.

Set objSpeechServer = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSS:SES=@")


Methods on the SES class are asynchronous. Only one instance of SES can be present per computer.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Script Example

The two statements below create an instance of the SES class, and display the value of the AudioConnectionTimeout property.

Set ss = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSS:SES=@")
WScript.Echo ss.AudioConnectionTimeout




InvalidateCache method

Issues an asynchronous request to SES, to invalidate all cache entries, thereby causing the service to reload the application resources.




AllocationTimeout property

Gets and sets the amount of time that a specific request waits for a free engine to service it.

AllowAnonymousAccess property

Gets and sets a value that determines whether anonymous access is enabled or disabled.

AudioConnectionIP property

Gets and sets the IP address SES monitors for audio connection requests from a client.

AudioConnectionPort property

Gets and sets the IP port SES monitors for audio connection requests from a client.

AudioConnectionTimeout property

Gets and sets the maximum amount of time between the time that speech recognition or speech output starts, and the client establishes the audio connection.

AudioDataTimeout property

Gets and sets the maximum amount of time between successive transfers of audio data to or from SES.

AudioHeaderTimeout property

Gets and sets the amount of time that SES waits for the receipt of a data transfer header.

DiskCacheLocation property

Gets and sets the path to the folder where prompt databases are cached.

EnableAudioCompression property

Gets and sets a value that specifies whether multimodal clients can use Compressed Cepstral format for incoming audio streams.

EnableFailoverWorkerProcess property

If true, SES keeps an idle worker process available for failover.

EnablePromptEndSignal property

If true, SES will send signals to the SR engine when a prompt is being played and when it stops during recognition.

LowerMemoryThreshold property

In MB. Lower VM usage limit by the SES process. If VM usage is above this limit, SES will not create new engine instances.

MaxDiskCacheSize property

Gets and sets the maximum size of the disk cache.

PreloadedResourceManifest property

Gets or sets the URI of the application manifest.

ShutdownTimeout property

Gets and sets the amount of time allowed for the server to finish all ongoing sessions when the service is paused, or when the service is being stopped gracefully.

State property

Gets and sets a string that specifies the current state of the service.

WorkerStartupTimeout property

The maximum time, in seconds, that SES will wait for a worker process to start.

UpperMemoryThreshold property

In MB. Upper VM usage limit by the SES process. If VM usage is above this limit, SES will log an error, reject new sessions and start a failover procedure for the worker process.