Site Server Express - What's Next?

The Big Picture

The Usage Import reads your log files and puts them in a relational database. The Report Writer produces your analysis reports.

Importing Your First Log File

  1. Obtain a copy of your Internet server log file on the local computer.

    If you don't have immediate access to this log file, contact your webmaster. 

  2. Start Usage Import.

    The Usage Import icon is available in the Microsoft Site Server Express program group. For your first import, Usage Import will tell you that no sites are configured, and it will walk you through the configuration process. 


  3. Identify the log file format of your log data source.

    Select your log file format from the list. (If you've already configured some sites so that you're no longer in walk-through mode, in the File menu of the Usage Import, select Server manager, and then right click the Log data sources icon.) When you're done, click OK. 


  4. Specify the server properties.

    On the Server properties panel, choose the server type (WWW, FTP, Gopher, or RealAudio, depending on the nature of your log file). Under Server configuration, type any directory index files and the IP address of the server. Under Hosting facilities, type the local time zone and domain of your host. This will allow you to distinguish between internal and external hits. When you're done, click OK. 

  5. Identify the log files to import.

    Once you've configured a server and site, the Usage Import will bring up the Log file manager. Type the complete path for your log file in the text box, or click Browse and locate it graphically. 

  6. Click the green Start import button.

    Usage Import processes your log file and notifies you when it's complete 

Creating Your First Report

  1. Start the Report Writer.

    The Report Writer icon is available within the Site Server Express program group. 

  2. Choose to create a report from the catalog.

    Though you have the option of creating a report from scratch, for your first run-through you'll want to use one from the standard catalog. 


  3. Select one of the standard Report Writer files.

    From the Report Writer catalog, select one of the Report Writer icons from the tree-structure in the upper window, and then click Next. 

  4. On the next panel of the catalog, choose the date-range to analyze (default is every request), and then click Next. 

  5. Add custom filters to include or exclude data for analysis.

    This panel allows you to enter a Boolean expression to filter and customize your report (for a first go-around, you shouldn't need to enter any filters). When you're done, click Finish. 

  6. Click the green Create Analysis Report button.

    The Report Writer prompts you to select a file name and format. When you've done so, Report Writer will produce your report. 

  7. View the analysis report.

    If you produced an HTML file, your web browser will open automatically and the file name you specified for the analysis report will be displayed. If you created a Microsoft Word file, start Microsoft Word, and open the file you specified. Finally, if you specified a text file, start a text editor such as Notepad, and open the file name you specified.