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Service Modeling Language

Service Modeling Language (SML) is an extension to the XML schema-based modeling language based on W3C and ISO standards. SML provides a way to capture knowledge of complex IT services and systems in machine-interpretable models. For more information about the W3C and ISO standards, see the World Wide Web Consortium (

Examples of information that may be included in an SML model are configuration, deployment, monitoring, policy, health, capacity planning, and service level agreements.

SML provides:

  • A model of a system's or service's structure.
  • Relationships between IT system components.
  • Relationships between IT system components and other services.
  • Constraints placed on IT services and systems.

Because SML uses XML and XSLT standards, you should have some basic understanding of the XML, XSLT, and XPATH language structure and syntax. At a minimum you should understand:

  • The definition of a well-formed XML document.
  • XML elements.
  • XML attributes.
  • XML namespaces.
  • Case sensitivity of XML, XSLT, and XPATH notation. You must enter all elements and attributes in the same case as presented in this reference.
  • XML schemas.
  • XSLT transforms.
  • XPATH notation.