Introduction to IPv6
Published: February 15, 2002 | Updated: January 11, 2008
Writer: Joe Davies
Due to recent concerns over the impending depletion of the current pool of Internet addresses and the desire to provide additional functionality for modern devices, an upgrade of the current version of the Internet Protocol (IP), called IPv6, has been standardized. This new version, called IP version 6 (IPv6), resolves unanticipated IPv4 design issues and takes the Internet into the 21st Century.
This paper describes the problems of the IPv4 Internet and how they are addressed by IPv6, IPv6 addressing, the new IPv6 header and its extensions, the IPv6 replacements for the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), neighboring node interaction, IPv6 address autoconfiguration, and IPv6 routing. This paper provides a foundation of Internet standards-based IPv6 concepts and is intended for network engineers and support professionals who are already familiar with basic networking concepts and TCP/IP.
Included in This Document
IPv6 Addressing
IPv6 Header
Multicast Listener Discovery
Neighbor Discovery
Address Autoconfiguration
IPv6 Routing
1 MB
Microsoft Word file
Updated: Jan 11, 2008