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Windows Vista Service Life-Cycle Management

Windows Vista Service Life-Cycle Management (WVSLM) provides concise guidance to help minimize total cost of ownership of desktop infrastructure. Process guidance and document templates help make service management concepts from the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) tangible and easily implementable by focusing on a single and common IT service.

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Guidance contained in WVSLM helps organizations confront common desktop service management challenges, such as:

  • Lack of alignment between IT priorities and service delivery.
  • Reliance on heroic effort of IT staff to manage desktop expectations.
  • Low customer satisfaction around desktop service and support.
  • Impact on business to recover a user�s system.
  • High costs of managing security on the desktop.
  • Poor integration between organizational roles and responsibilities.
  • Poor organizational adherence to operation management processes.
  • Lack of understanding of what IT can deliver to the customer base.

A primary focus of Windows Vista Service Life-Cycle Management is to align clear accountabilities to Windows Vista features and operations management best practices as described by ITIL and MOF. Organizations often find it challenging to address the theoretical goals of ITIL or MOF and apply them to the actual day-to-day activities of the IT staff.  This can present the following challenges to an organization:

  • Ideal IT service management processes are not part of the day-to-day activities in the IT department.
  • Day-to-day activities may be ineffective in achieving customer-focused outcomes.

WVSLM is organized around seven core areas of responsibility and activity. The following table describes the roles and responsibilities highlighted in the guidance.



Service Management

Enabling business through IT to meet organizational objectives.


Balancing organizational needs to protect and secure corporate resources with users� needs to access IT resources.


Balancing IT�s capabilities against business requirements by designing and architecting an environment that addresses those needs.


Evaluating and deploying required changes to the environment with minimal business disruption.


Ensuring the highly predictable execution of day-to-day tasks while optimizing the business� return on investment (ROI)


Providing timely resolution of incidents, problems, and inquiries while presenting the face of IT to end users.


Coordinating and managing the relationships with key partners to enable IT to deliver their objectives.

Windows Vista Service Life-Cycle Management addresses these challenges by integrating process guidance and core service roles with the features of Windows Vista and supporting tools. This integration makes service management principles relevant and action-oriented to IT professionals supporting Windows Vista.

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