Reprocess: Planning Command Utility operation

Updated: 2009-04-30

Use the reprocess command to execute the reprocessing of model data with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services cube. The model site that contains the model must be deployed prior to reprocessing the model.


You must be a member of the modeler role to use this command.


ppscmd reprocess /server <uri> /path <path>

Command switches


Parameter Required? Description

/path <ModelPath>


Specifies the path for the model.

/server <ServerUri>


Specifies the server URI to connect to. The defaults are those used by Planning Business Modeler.

Return value



The following command-line example shows the use of the reprocess command.

ppscmd reprocess /server https://localhost:46787 /path "bizcorp.corporate.model:exchange rate model"

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