Chapter 2 - Installing Microsoft Antigen for Exchange


Applies to: Microsoft Antigen

Antigen supports local and remote installations on Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, and local installations on active/passive clusters.


For the procedures necessary to install Antigen for Exchange on a clustered system, see the Microsoft Antigen for Exchange Cluster Installation Guide at the Microsoft Antigen TechNet Library. If your system is configured to run a Network Load Balancer (NLB), there are no special installation procedures for Antigen for Exchange. Simply follow the instructions in this guide for a non-clustered installation.


Antigen runs in VSAPI mode only. If you are currently running an older version of Antigen in ESE mode, Antigen converts the system to VSAPI mode without confirmation from the user.

In Antigen, you can use setup wizards to install the product to a local Exchange server, to a remote Exchange server, or as an Administrator Only installation to a local workstation. The following information should be gathered prior to installation:

  • The user account and password that has sufficient rights to administer the computer that runs Exchange (local and remote installations).
  • The server name of the computer running Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 (remote installations).

System requirements

The following are the minimum server and workstation requirements for Microsoft Antigen for Exchange.


All minimum system memory and disk space requirements for Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 must be met before installing Microsoft Antigen for Exchange.

Minimum server requirements

  • Windows® 2000 Server SP4 Update Rollup 1, Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 Update Rollup 1, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Small Business Server 2003


    Antigen is supported only on 32-bit environments. If both the Exchange and SharePoint products are installed on the same server, Antigen will only be installed on Exchange.

  • Exchange 2000 Server SP1 or Exchange Server 2003


    Antigen is not supported on Exchange 2007.

  • 1 gigabyte (GB) of free memory, in addition to that required to run Exchange (512 MB recommended)


    With each additional licensed scan engine, more memory is needed for each scanning process.

  • 2 GB of available disk space

  • Intel processor, 1 gigahertz (GHz)

  • Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0

  • Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7

  • Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3)

  • Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 6.0

  • .NET Framework 1.1 (required only if you are using Antigen Spam Manager (ASM) Junk Mail folder processing on Exchange 2000)

Minimum workstation requirements

  • Windows 2000 Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows Vista
  • 6 MB of available memory
  • 10 MB of available disk space
  • Intel processor

Installing Antigen on a local server

To locally install Antigen on an Exchange server, you must log on to the local computer by using an account that has administrator rights. This step is necessary for Setup to perform service registration.

To install Antigen on a local server

  1. Run Setup.exe from the folder containing the Antigen installation files. You can obtain the latest installation package from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Download Center.

  2. Follow the initial setup dialog boxes until you are prompted by the Installation Location dialog box. Select Local Installation, and then click Next.

  3. If MDAC or Jet is not installed (Exchange 2000 only), Antigen asks if you would like the component installed on the server. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation. After MDAC or Jet has been installed, you must run the installation program again to install Antigen.

  4. In the Installation Type dialog box, select Server - Admin console and scanner components, and then click Next.

  5. Setup checks to see whether you have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent.

    • If you do not have the correct version, at the end of the installation you are directed to the Microsoft Update Web site to do the opt-in manually.
    • If you do have the correct version, Setup then checks to see whether Microsoft Update is enabled. If Microsoft Update is not enabled, the Use Microsoft Update dialog box appears where you can enable it.
  6. In the Quarantine Security Settings dialog box, select the desired setting, and then click Next. The choices are:

    • Secure Mode is the default. When the value is set to this mode, all messages and attachments delivered from Quarantine are rescanned for viruses and filter matches.
    • Compatibility Mode allows messages and attachments to be delivered from Quarantine without being scanned for filter matches. (Messages and attachments are always scanned for viruses.) Antigen identifies these messages by placing special tag text in the subject line of all messages that are delivered from Quarantine.

    For more information about this setting, see Chapter 19 - Reporting and statistics overview.

  7. In the Engine Updates Required dialog box, read the warning about engine updates and proxy information, and then click Next.

  8. In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, either accept the default destination folder for the product or click Browse to select a different one. The default is:

    Program Files\Microsoft Antigen for Exchange

  9. If you are installing Antigen Spam Manager on Exchange 2000, enter the file path to the location where Antigen should create the Junk Mail Folder application. This application is used to create user Junk Mail folders. You need to enter the file path, the Administrator Account, and the Administrator Home Server.

  10. In the Select Program Folder dialog box, choose a program folder for Antigen. The default is:

    Microsoft Antigen for Exchange

  11. In the Start Copying Files dialog box, review the data. If any changes need to be made, use the Back button to navigate to the screen to be changed. Otherwise, click Next to begin the installation. A progress bar indicates that the files are being copied.

  12. After installation is complete, you can start or restart the SMTP services, depending on whether they were stopped or running when the installation began. For a clean installation, the services were probably still running and need to be recycled. If you are reinstalling the product, the services had to be stopped before Antigen could be uninstalled. In the Start SMTP Services dialog box, you can start the SMTP services automatically so that Antigen can become active. Click Next to have Setup perform this step, or click Skip to manually perform this step at a later time. Until the SMTP services have been started or restarted, Antigen cannot scan mail in transport.

  13. If the SMTP services are being started or restarted (that is, you clicked Next on the prior dialog box), the Starting SMTP Services dialog box appears. Wait until the status changes to All services started before clicking Next to continue.

  14. Depending on which services were stopped when the installation began, either the Start Exchange Information Store dialog box or the Start AntigenStore Service dialog box appears. You can start the Information Store services automatically so that Antigen can become active. Click Next to have Setup perform this step, or click Skip to manually perform this step at a later time. Until the services have been started, Antigen cannot scan mail on the Store.

  15. Depending on whether the Information Store services are being started or restarted (that is, you clicked Next on the prior dialog box), the Starting Exchange Services dialog box appears. Wait until the status changes to All services started before clicking Next to continue.

  16. In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box, you can optionally select to View the README file before clicking Finish. If you do not have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent, you are directed to a site to obtain it.


As in most installations, Setup updates shared Microsoft files on your computer. If you are asked to restart your computer, you do not need to do this immediately, but it may be necessary for certain Antigen features to work correctly.

Installing Antigen on a remote server

To remotely install Antigen on an Exchange server, you must log on to your local computer by using an account that has administrator rights to the remote computer. This step is necessary for Setup to perform service registration. The platforms of both the local computer and remote computer must be the same.

To install Antigen on a remote server

  1. Run Setup.exe from the folder containing the Antigen installation files. You can obtain the latest installation package from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Download Center.

  2. Follow the initial setup dialog boxes until you are prompted by the Installation Location dialog box. Select Remote Installation, and then click Next. If Antigen is already installed on the remote Exchange server, this process can automatically stop the Exchange and IIS services, and uninstall Antigen.

  3. In the Remote Server Information dialog box, enter the following information, and then click Next. The parameters are:

    • Server Name: The name of the computer to which you are installing Antigen.
    • Share Directory: The temporary location that the remote installation uses while setting up Antigen. The default is:
  4. If MDAC or Jet is not installed (Exchange 2000 only), Antigen asks whether you would like the component installed on the remote server. When initiated, the installation of MDAC or Jet proceeds in silent mode.


    If a restart is required after MDAC or Jet is installed, Antigen restarts the server automatically. Once the installation is complete, Antigen continues installing Antigen on the remote server.

  5. Setup checks to see whether you have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent.

    • If you do not have the correct version, at the end of the installation you are directed to the Microsoft Update Web site to do the opt-in manually.
    • If you do have the correct version, Setup then checks to see whether Microsoft Update is enabled. If Microsoft Update is not enabled, the Use Microsoft Update dialog box appears where you can enable it.
  6. In the Quarantine Security Settings dialog box, select the desired setting, and then click Next. The choices are:

    • Secure Mode is the default and when the value is set to this mode, all messages and attachments delivered from Quarantine are rescanned for viruses and filter matches.
    • Compatibility Mode allows messages and attachments to be delivered from Quarantine without being scanned for filter matches. (Messages and attachments are always scanned for viruses.) Antigen identifies these messages by placing special tag text in the subject line of all messages delivered from Quarantine.

    For more information about this setting, see Chapter 19 - Reporting and statistics overview.

  7. In the Remote Location dialog box, select the Destination Directory and Folder Name, and then click Next to begin installing Antigen.

  8. After installation is complete, you can start or restart the SMTP services, depending on whether they were stopped or running when the installation began. For a clean installation, the services were probably still running and need to be recycled. If you are reinstalling the product, the services had to be stopped before Antigen could be uninstalled. In the Start SMTP Services dialog box, you can start the SMTP services automatically so that Antigen can become active. Click Next to have Setup perform this step, or click Skip to manually perform this step at a later time. Until the SMTP services have been started or restarted, Antigen cannot scan mail in transport.

  9. If the SMTP services are being started or restarted (that is, you clicked Next on the prior dialog box), the Starting SMTP Services dialog box appears. Wait until the status changes to All services started before clicking Next to continue.

  10. Depending on which services were stopped when the installation began, the Start Exchange Information Store dialog box or the Start AntigenStore Service dialog box appears. You can start the Information Store services automatically so that Antigen can become active. Click Next to have Setup perform this step, or click Skip to manually perform this step at a later time. Until the services have been started, Antigen cannot scan mail on the Store.

  11. If the Information Store services are being started or restarted (that is, you clicked Next on the prior dialog box), the Starting Exchange Services dialog box appears. Wait until the status changes to All services started before clicking Next to continue.

  12. After you have been informed that the installation was successful, click Next to perform another remote installation, or click Cancel to exit the installation program. If you do not have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent, you are directed to a site to obtain it.


As in most installations, Setup updates shared Microsoft files on your computer. If you are requested to restart your computer, you do not have to do that immediately, but it may be necessary for certain Antigen features to work correctly.

Administrator-only installation

Performing an administrator-only installation installs the Antigen Administrator onto any Windows workstation or server, which can then be used to centrally manage the Antigen Service running on remote Exchange servers. An administrator-only installation requires approximately 2.5 MB of disk space.

To perform an administrator-only installation

  1. Run Setup.exe from the folder containing the Antigen installation files. You can obtain the latest installation package from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Download Center.

  2. Follow the initial setup dialog boxes until you are prompted by the Installation Location dialog box. Choose Local Installation, and then click Next.

  3. In the Installation Type dialog box, select Client - Admin console only, and then click Next.

  4. Setup checks to see whether if you have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent.

    • If you do not have the correct version, at the end of the installation you are directed to the Microsoft Update Web site to do the opt-in manually.
    • If you do have the correct version, Setup then checks to see whether Microsoft Update is enabled. If Microsoft Update is not enabled, the Use Microsoft Update dialog box appears where you can enable it.
  5. In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, either accept the default destination folder for the product, or click Browse to select a different one. The default is:

    Program Files\Microsoft Antigen for Exchange

  6. In the Select Program Folder dialog box, choose a program folder for Antigen. The default is:

    Microsoft Antigen for Exchange

  7. In the Start Copying Files dialog box, review the data. If any changes need to be made, use the Back button to navigate to the screen to be changed. Otherwise, click Next to begin the installation. A progress bar indicates that the files are being copied.

  8. In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box, you can optionally select to View the README file before clicking Finish. If you do not have the correct version of the Windows Update Agent, you are directed to a site to obtain it.

Post-Installation security consideration

When you install Antigen for Exchange, it is configured to allow everyone access to the AntigenService service. To change the security settings to restrict access to AntigenService, you need to use DCOMCNFG to modify the security settings. For more information about securing access to AntigenService, see "Securing the service from unauthorized use" in Chapter 3 - Antigen services overview.

Installing to multiple servers

The Microsoft Antigen Enterprise Manager (AEM) should be used to install Antigen to multiple Exchange servers. For complete installation instructions, see the Microsoft Antigen Enterprise Manager User Guide at the Microsoft Antigen TechNet Library.

Uninstalling Antigen

To uninstall Antigen, log on to the computer on which it is installed.


For information about uninstalling Antigen from a clustered server, see the Microsoft Antigen for Exchange Cluster Installation Guide at the Microsoft Antigen TechNet Library.

To uninstall Antigen for Exchange

  1. Ensure that the Antigen Administrator is not running.

  2. In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, and then open Services.

  3. Stop the Exchange and IIS services.

  4. When all these services have stopped, close the Services dialog box.

  5. In Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs.

  6. Remove Microsoft Antigen for Exchange. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  7. On the Uninstall Complete screen, click Finish.

  8. Delete the Microsoft Antigen for Exchange folder in Program Files (or, if you installed to a different folder, delete your installation folder).

  9. If you are not planning to reinstall Antigen for Exchange, restart the stopped Exchange services and IIS.

Migrating and upgrading

Microsoft Antigen for Exchange upgrades properly from Antigen 8.0 SR3 only by upgrading all components during the installation process. Scan job and other settings are preserved during the upgrade process.

When you are upgrading Antigen, all scan jobs have their template settings configured to None to prevent users from inadvertently overwriting existing settings. To deploy templates, you need to change this setting on each server to Default or a named template. For more information on configuring scan job template settings, see Chapter 11 - Using templates.


When upgrading from Antigen 8.0 SR3, you must do an engine update immediately after installing Antigen to ensure that the engines are using the most recent signature files.

After upgrading Antigen, the Microsoft Engine is not scheduled for updates. You must manually set the update schedule for the Microsoft Engine after the upgrade is complete.

When upgrading Antigen on a server where NetIQ AppManager is installed, you first need to disable and shut down NetIQ prior to upgrading Antigen. This is required because the Antigen performance.dll file is registered so that the Performance Monitor monitors it. NetIQ attaches itself to this dynamic-link library (DLL) and does not release it even if the programs that use it are shut down. If this DLL is not released, it is not properly upgraded during the installation.

For information about upgrading clustered servers, see the Microsoft Antigen for Exchange Cluster Installation Guide at the Microsoft Antigen TechNet Library.

Applying Exchange and Antigen service packs and rollups

This section describes how to apply Exchange and Antigen service packs and rollups. For cluster installations, follow the instructions in Installing Antigen on a cluster in the “Microsoft Antigen for Exchange Cluster Installation Guide”.

To install an Exchange service pack or rollup

  1. Disable Antigen using the steps described in Appendix A - Using the Antigen utility.

  2. Follow the instructions provided with the specific service pack or rollup that you are installing.

  3. After the installation is complete and the Exchange services have been restarted, verify that mail is flowing.

  4. Enable Antigen using the steps described in Appendix A - Using the Antigen utility.


Some Exchange service packs and rollups require you to download and install an Antigen update in order to ensure that Antigen operates correctly. For information and downloads, visit the Microsoft Web site at Microsoft Help and Support.

To install an Antigen service pack or rollup

  1. Run the installer by double-clicking the service pack or rollup executable file.


    While the installer is running, the Exchange and Antigen services are stopped, and your mail flow is temporarily halted.

  2. After the installation is complete and the Exchange and Antigen services have been restarted (this occurs automatically during the installation), verify that Antigen is working properly.


    Antigen service packs or rollups can also be installed using the FFSMC Deployment job. (For details, see Deployment Jobs in the Forefront Server Security Management Console User Guide.) In this case, the installer runs in silent mode and there is no user input required. The rest of the process remains the same as when running the installer by double-clicking the executable file.

Relocating Antigen's data files

Antigen stores program settings as well as scanning activity information, including the Quarantine Area, on the file system. If you want, you can relocate these files at any time after installation.

To relocate data files

  1. Stop all Exchange services and any Antigen services that might still be running after Exchange is stopped.

  2. Create a folder in the location where you want to move the files.

  3. Move all the data files (files with the .adb extension) and the Quarantine and Engines folders.

  4. Change the following registry key to reflect the new location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sybari Software\Antigen for Exchange\DatabasePath.

  5. Set the security for the new location. Right-click the folder of the new location, and then select Properties. On the Security tab, add a user called “Network Service” with Full Control privileges. This is necessary so that logging is performed for the SMTP Scan Job.

  6. Restart the Exchange services.

Using the evaluation version

Microsoft provides a fully functional version of Antigen for Exchange for a 30-day evaluation. After 30 days, the evaluation version of Antigen continues to operate and report detected files. However, it no longer cleans, deletes, or purges files (that is, the action for all virus detection is reset to Skip: detect only). All filters (file, content, and keyword) also have their actions set to Skip: detect only. Finally, the Allowed Sender lists are disabled, and scan engines no longer update.


To purchase a subscription build of Antigen, contact Microsoft Sales.

Product licensing information

After you have installed a subscription build of Antigen, you can enter licensing information (which can also be obtained from Microsoft Sales).

These are the reasons to license your product:

  • You can align the date that your product expires with the date of your license agreement (otherwise, the expiration is three years from the installation date).
  • You can easily renew your license by entering a new expiration date.

To license Antigen, select Product License from the Help menu. The Product License Agreement and Expiration dialog box appears.

Enter your 7-digit License Agreement Number, and then enter an Expiration Date. You should enter a date that corresponds to the expiration of your license agreement. This coordinates the expiration of both the license agreement and the product. When the product nears its expiration, you should renew your license agreement and enter the new license information into the Product License Agreement and Expiration dialog box.