How to Add, Edit, or Delete a LAN or Perimeter LAN Switch in the Model Editor

Perform one of the following Model Editor procedures to add, edit, or delete a LAN or perimeter LAN switch. If you are adding a switch of either type, you should connect the switch to objects in the Model Editor, as appropriate. If you delete a LAN or perimeter LAN switch for a site, ensure that objects in the site have required connectivity. For a list of other tasks you can perform with the Capacity Planner Model Editor, see Capacity Planner Model Editor.

To add a LAN or perimeter LAN switch in the Model Editor

  1. Navigate to the Site Topology view.

  2. In the Current View Actions pane, click Add a LAN switch.

  3. In the Add a LAN switch to site <SiteName> action dialog, enter the switch name and click either LAN or Perimeter as the network type.

To edit a LAN or perimeter LAN switch in the Model Editor

  1. Navigate to the Site Topology view.

  2. Click the LAN or perimeter switch that you want to edit.

  3. In the Current View Actions pane, click Edit LAN switch.

  4. Revise the LAN switch name.

To delete a LAN or perimeter LAN switch in the Model Editor

  1. Navigate to the Site Topology view.

  2. Click the LAN or perimeter LAN switch that you want to delete.

  3. In the Current View Actions pane, click Delete.

See Also


About the Capacity Planner Model Editor

Other Resources

Capacity Planner Model Editor
Model Editor Reference Topics