The scripts used in LTI and ZTI reference properties that determine the process steps and configuration settings used during the deployment process. This reference section can be used to help determine the correct scripts to include in actions and the valid arguments to provide when running each script. The following information is provided for each script:
Name. Specifies the name of the script.
Description. Provides a description of the purpose of the script and any pertinent information regarding script customization.
Input. Indicates the files used for input to the script.
Output. Indicates the files created or modified by the script.
References. Indicates other scripts or configuration files that are referenced by the script.
Location. Indicates the folder where the script can be found. In the information for the location, the following variables are used:
program_files. This variable points to the location of the Program Files folder on the computer where Microsoft Deployment is installed.
distribution. This variable points to the location of the Distribution folder for the deployment point.
platform. This variable is a placeholder for the operating system platform (x86 or x64).
Use. Provides the command line and options that can be specified.
Arguments and description. Indicate the valid arguments to be specified for the script and a brief description of what each argument means.
Properties. The properties referenced by the script.
This script displays a dialog box that indicates the user inserted deployment media created by the Microsoft Deployment process (such as a bootable DVD or a removable hard disk). The message is displayed for 15 seconds. If no action is taken, the script starts LiteTouch.vbs.
For more information about LiteTouch.vbs, see the corresponding topic in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
LiteTouch.vbs. Initiates LTI. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
None |
Arguments |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This .xml file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Welcome to Windows Deployment page that is displayed at the start of the Deployment Wizard. This .xml file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard pages embedded in this .xml file.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
distribution\Tools\platform |
Use |
mshta.exe Wizard.hta BDD_Welcome_ENU.xml |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
KeyboardLocale |
This .xml file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Specify credentials for connecting to network shares wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. This .xml file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard pages embedded in this .xml file.
Note This wizard page is only displayed if there is a failure while validating the predefined user credentials.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Credentials_scripts.vbs |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
mshta.exe Wizard.hta /NotWizard /definition:Credentials_ENU.xml [/ValidateAgainstDomain:domain | /ValidateAgainstUNCPath:uncpath] </DoNotSave> </LeaveShareOpen> |
Value |
Description |
/ValidateAgainstDomain:domain |
Specifies the domain in which the credentials exist (as specified in domain). |
/ValidateAgainstUNCPath:UNCPath |
Specifies the shared network folder to be used to validate the credentials by connecting to the folder (as specified in UNCPath). |
/DoNotSave |
Does not write the properties to a file; just connects to the path. |
/LeaveShareOpen |
If UNC path is specified, then does NOT delete the share if successful. |
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script parses the arguments that were provided when loading the Credentials_ENU.xml file into the Deployment Wizard. It also performs user credential validation. This script is read by the Credentials_ENU.xml file.
For more information about Credentials_ENU.xml, see the corresponding topic in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
Event message are written to these log files:
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="Credentials_scripts.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
UserCredentials |
This .xml file contains the script code and HTML layout for each wizard page in the Deployment Wizard. This .xml file is read by Wizard.hta, which runs the wizard panes embedded in this .xml file. This .xml file contains the following wizard panes:
Welcome to the Windows Deployment Wizard
Select a task sequence to execute on this computer
Specify the product key needed to install this operating system
Choose a migration type
Configure the computer name
Join the computer to a domain or workgroup
Specify where to save your data and settings
Specify whether to restore user data
Specify where to save a complete computer backup
Locale selection
Set the time zone
Select one or more applications to install
Administrator password
Specify whether to capture an image
Specify the BitLocker configuration
Specify credentials for connecting to network shares
Ready to begin
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
None |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
ComputerName |
DeployRoot |
DeployTemplate |
DeploymentMethod |
DoCapture |
ImageBuild |
ImageFlags |
JoinDomain |
SkipAdminPassword |
SkipApplications |
SkipAppsOnUpgrade |
SkipBitLocker |
SkipCapture |
SkipComputerBackup |
SkipComputerName |
SkipDeploymentType |
SkipDomainMembership |
SkipLocaleSelection |
SkipPackageDisplay |
SkipProductKey |
SkipSummary |
SkipTaskSequence |
SkipTimeZone |
SkipUserData |
UserDomain |
UserID |
UserPassword |
This script initializes the pages in the Windows Deployment Wizard (stored in DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml). It also contains functions and subroutines that are called by the Windows Deployment Wizard during an LTI-based deployment.
For more information about DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml, see the corresponding topic in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
Event message are written to these log files:
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="DeployWiz_Initialization.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
Applications |
BDEInstall |
ComputerbackupLocation |
DeploymentType |
DeployRoot |
DomainAdmin |
DomainAdminDomain |
DomainAdminPassword |
ImageBuild |
ImageFlags |
ImageLanguage |
ImageProcessor |
IsServer |
KeyboardLocale |
LanguagePacks |
LanguagePacks1 |
LocalDeployRoot |
OSCurrentBuild |
OSVersion |
OverrideProductKey |
ProductKey |
SkipCapture |
TaskSequenceID |
TimeZone |
TimeZoneName |
UDDir |
UDShare |
UserDataLocation |
UserDomain |
UserID |
UserLocale |
UserPassword |
This script initializes and validates the information entered in the pages of the Windows Deployment Wizard (stored in DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml). This script contains functions and subroutines that are called by the Windows Deployment Wizard during an LTI-based deployment.
For more information about DeployWiz_Definition_ENU.xml, see the corresponding topic in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
None |
References |
Credentials_ENU.xml. Prompts the user for credentials that will be used when connecting to network resources. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language=”VBScript” src=”DeployWiz_Validation.vbs”/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentType |
DeployTemplate |
ImageProcessor |
OSVersion |
UserCredentials |
UserDomain |
UserID |
UserPassword |
This script is called by the Windows Deployment Wizard to initiate LTI. The script:
Removes the C:\MININT folder (if it exists).
Checks that the target computer meets the requirements for running the Windows Deployment Wizard by calling ZTIPrereq.vbs.
Starts the Windows Deployment Wizard by running LiteTouch.wsf.
For more information about ZTIPrereq.vbs and LiteTouch.wsf, see the corresponding topics in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript LiteTouch.vbs </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script is called by LiteTouch.vbs and responsible for controlling the LTI deployment process. This includes:
Running the Windows Deployment Wizard.
Running the LTI deployment process by using the appropriate task sequence file.
For more information about LiteTouch.vbs, see the corresponding topic in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
BDDRun.exe “wscript.exe ScriptDirectory\LiteTouch.wsf </debug:value>” |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
_SMSTSPackageName |
Architecture |
DeployDrive |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
ImageLanguage001 |
JoinDomain |
JoinWorkgroup |
KeyboardLocale |
OSDAdapterCount |
Phase |
ResourceDrive |
ResourceRoot |
RetVal |
SkipBDDWelcome |
SkipFinalSummary |
SkipWizard |
TaskSequenceID |
UILanguage |
UserLocale |
WelcomeWizardCommand |
WizardComplete |
This script is responsible for installing a Windows PE image, Windows XP image, or Windows Vista image to the target computer. The Windows PE image is used to collect information about the target computer and to run the deployment tasks on the target computer.
Value |
Description |
Input |
OperatingSystems.xml |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript LTIApply.wsf </pe> </post> </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/pe |
Uses the process for installing the Windows PE image on the target computer. |
/post |
Cleans up unnecessary files after the installation of an image. |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
DeployRoot |
OSVersion |
ImageBuild |
ImageProcessor |
SourcePath |
TaskSequenceID |
UserDomain |
UserID |
UserPassword |
WDSServer |
This script removes any files or configuration settings (such as scripts, folders, registry entries, or automatic logon configuration settings) from the target computer after the deployment process completes.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript LTICleanup.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
ImageBuild |
OSVersion |
This script copies the deployment scripts for the LTI-based and ZTI-based deployment processes to a local hard drive on the target computer.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript LTICopyScripts.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script displays a dialog box that allows the user to browses to a folder. The selected folder path is stored in the FolderPath environment variable.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf. |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
Use |
cscript LTIGetFolder.wsf |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DefaultFolderPath |
FolderPath |
This script prepares the target computer for running Sysprep, runs Sysprep on the target computer, and then verifies that Sysprep ran successfully.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript LTISysprep.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
DoCapture |
OSCurrentBuild |
SourcePath |
This .xml file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Configure Static IP Network Settings wizard page in the Windows Deployment Wizard. During an LTI deployment, the Wizard.hta reads this .xml file and runs the embedded wizard page that prompts for the required network addressing configuration. If the team member chooses to not supply static IP addressing configuration, the deployment scripts will default to using DHCP to obtain the required network configuration.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
ZTINICUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
None |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
OSDAdapter0DNSServerList |
OSDAdapter0DNSSuffix |
OSDAdapter0Gateways |
OSDAdapter0IPAddressList |
OSDAdapter0MacAddress |
OSDAdapter0SubnetMask |
OSDAdapter0WINSServerList |
OSDAdapterCount |
This .xml file contains the script code and HTML layout for the Deployment Summary wizard page in the Windows Deployment Wizard. During an LTI deployment, the Wizard.hta reads this .xml file and runs the embedded wizard page that displays the summary results for the LTI deployment. This .xml file contains the following wizard pages:
Success. Notification regarding the successful completion of the deployment tasks.
Failure. Notification regarding the failure to successfully complete the deployment tasks.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Summary_Scripts.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the wizard pages embedded in this .xml file. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
None |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
SkipFinalSummary |
RetVal |
This script is called by the Summary wizard page of the Windows Deployment Wizard. It contains functions and subroutines that are used for initialization and validation.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
Event message are written to these log files:
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language=”VBScript” src=”Summary_Scripts.vbs”/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentType |
RetVal |
This Hypertext Application (HTA) displays the Windows Deployment Wizard pages.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the list of property values, custom properties, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. The environment variables are populated by ZTIGather.wsf. |
Output |
References |
Location |
Use |
mshta.exe Wizard.hta </definition:filename> </NotWizard> </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/NotWizard |
Used to bypass wizard page prompts. |
/Definition:filename |
Specifies the .xml file that is to be loaded into the wizard. |
Name |
Read |
Write |
WizardComplete |
This script contains functions and subroutines that are referenced by the various Windows Deployment Wizard scripts.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
LTIGetFolder.wsf. Script file that provides a BrowseForFolder dialog box to the user. |
Location |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="WizUtility.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DefaultFolderPath |
FolderPath |
OSVersion |
UserCredentials |
This script is run to initiate the ZTI deployment process. The script:
Checks that the target computer meets the requirements for running the Windows Deployment Wizard by calling ZTIPrereq.vbs.
Starts the Windows Deployment Wizard by running ZeroTouchInstallation.wsf.
For more information about ZTIPrereq.vbs and ZeroTouchInstallation.wsf, see the corresponding topics in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZeroTouchInstallation.vbs </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script is responsible for controlling the ZTI deployment process. This includes running the ZTI deployment process using the appropriate task sequence file.
Note This script is initiated by ZeroTouchInstallation.vbs
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZeroTouchInstallation.wsf </debug:value> |
For more information about ZTIUtility.vbs, ZeroTouchInstallation.vbs, and task_sequence_file, see the corresponding topics in the “Scripts” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
FALSE, event messages are sent only to the .log files (this is the behavior when the argument is not provided). |
Name |
Read |
Write |
_SMSTSPackageName |
Architecture |
DeployDrive |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
OSDAdapterCount |
OSDInstallPackage |
OSDPackageID |
OSDPackagePath |
OSVersion |
Phase |
ResourceDrive |
ResourceRoot |
This script will initiate an installation of applications that have been configured on the Deployment Workbench Applications node. This script will not attempt to install any application that:
Does not support the target computer’s platform type.
Does not support the target computer’s processor type.
Has an uninstall entry in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
Note If the listed application has any dependant applications defined, this script will attempt to install those dependant applications prior to installing the listed application.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIApplications.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
ApplicationGUID |
DeploymentMethod |
InstalledApplications |
ResourceDrive |
ResourceRoot |
SMSTSRebootRequested |
SMSTSRetryRequested |
This script generates an .xml file, ZTIAppXmlGen.xml, for use when automatically capturing user data (documents) that are associated with installed applications.
This script accomplishes this task by enumerating through the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Classes registry key and capturing any applications that:
Are not associated with one of these file extensions: .mp3, .mov, .wma, .wmv, .chm, .evt, .evtx, .exe, .com, and .fon.
Are not associated with a Microsoft Office system, such as the 2007 Microsoft Office System or Microsoft Office 2003.
Have a valid open handler listed at: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ application \shell\open\command.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIAppXmlGen.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
USMTMigFiles |
This script performs a backup of the target computer using the ImageX utility. The backup is stored in the location specified in the BackupDir and BackupShare properties. For more information about these properties, see the corresponding topics in the “Properties” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIBackup.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
BackupDir |
BackupDisk |
BackupDrive |
BackupFile |
BackupPartition |
BackupShare |
ComputerBackupLocation |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
DoCapture |
ImageFlags |
TaskSequenceID |
This script installs and configures BitLocker Drive Encryption on the target computer.
Note The BitLocker Drive Encryption configuration is limited to New Computer and Upgrade Computer scenarios that have hard disks configured with a single partition.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIBde.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
AdminPassword |
BDEDriveLetter |
BDEDriveSize |
BDEInstall |
BDEInstallSuppress |
BDEKeyLocation |
BDEPin |
BDERecoveryKey |
BDERecoveryPassword |
BDESecondPass |
BdeWaitForEncryption |
ComputerName |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword |
OSDBitLockerMode |
OSDBitLockerRecoveryPassword |
OSDBitLockerStartupKey |
OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive |
OSDBitLockerTargetDrive |
OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption |
OSVersion |
SMSTSRebootRequested |
SMSTSRetryRequested |
TPMOwnerPassword |
This script checks the BIOS on the target computer and then looks at a list of BIOSes that are incompatible with Windows Vista. The list of incompatible BIOSes is stored in the ZTIBIOSCheck.xml file.
If the BIOS is listed in the ZTIBIOSCheck.xml file, then the script returns a status that indicates the BIOS is incompatible with Windows Vista and the deployment process should be terminated.
For information on populating the ZTIBIOSCheck.xml file with a list of incompatible BIOSes, see the corresponding topic in the “Support Files” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIBIOSCheck.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script configures the Unattend.xml, Sysprep.inf, or Unattend.txt files with the property values specified earlier in the Microsoft Deployment deployment process. The script configures the appropriate file based on the operating system being deployed.
This script reads the ZTIConfigure.xml file to determine how to update the Unattend.xml, Sysprep.inf, or Unattend.txt files with the appropriate values specified in the deployment properties. The ZTIConfigure.xml file contains the information to translate properties to settings in the Unattend.xml, Sysprep.inf, or Unattend.txt files.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIConfigure.wsf </debug:value> </predict> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/predict |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
DomainAdminDomain |
Phase |
TaskSequenceID |
Upgrade |
This script starts DCPromo to configure the target computer as an Active Directory directory services domain controller.
For more information about Dcpromo.exe, see DCPromo at
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIConfigureADDS.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
ADDSPassword |
ADDSUserDomain |
ADDSUserName |
AutoConfigDNS |
ChildName |
ConfirmGC |
DatabasePath |
DomainLevel |
DomainNetBiosName |
ForestLevel |
LogPath |
NewDomain |
NewDomainDNSName |
OSVersion |
ParentDomainDNSName |
ReplicaOrNewDomain |
ReplicaDomainDNSName |
ReplicationSourceDC |
SafeModeAdminPassword |
SiteName |
SysVolPath |
This script configures DHCP on the target computer.
Note DHCP should already be installed on the target computer prior to running this script.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIConfigureDHCP.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
IPAddress |
Scopes |
ScopesxScopeName |
ScopesxScopeIP |
ScopesxScopeSubnetmask |
ScopesxScopeAddStartIP |
ScopesxScopeAddEndIP |
ScopesxScopeExcludeStartIP |
ScopesxScopeExcludeEndIP |
ScopesxScopeState |
ScopesxScopeRouterOption |
ScopesxScopeDNSSrvOption |
ScopesxScopeWINSSrvOption |
ScopesxScopeDNSDomainNameOption |
ScopesxScopeWINSNodeOption |
ScopesxScopeDwordOption |
SrvOptionsDNSDomainName |
SrvOptionsDNSSrv |
SrvOptionsDword |
SrvOptionsRouterSrv |
SrvOptionsWINSNodeType |
SrvOptionsWINSSrv |
Note The x in the properties listed above, is a placeholder for a zero based array that contains DHCP configuration information.
This script configures DNS on the target computer.
For more information about Dnscmd.exe, see Dnscmd Overview at
Note DNS should already be installed on the target computer prior to running this script.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIConfigureDNS.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
ForwarderTimeout |
SlaveOption |
ForwarderIPAddress |
Zones |
ZonesxZoneName |
ZonesxZoneType |
ZonesxZoneUpdate |
ZonesxZoneIP |
ZonesxZoneAging |
Note The x in the properties listed above, is a placeholder for a zero based array that contains DNS configuration information.
The Microsoft Deployment deployment process uses this script to authenticate with a server computer (such as a computer running SQL Server or another server that has a shared network folder). When this script is run, it validates that a connection can be created to the network shared folder specified in the /uncpath argument.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIConnect.wsf /UNCPath:uncpath </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/UNCPath:uncpath |
Specifies a fully qualified UNC path to a network shared folder. |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
Copy the Smsts.log and BDD.log files to a subfolder beneath the share specified by the SLShare property. The subfolder will be named the name specified by OSDComputerName, or OSDNewComputerName, or HostName.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTICopyLogs.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
HostName |
OSDComputerName |
OSDNewMachineName |
SLShare |
This script creates the disk partitions on the target computer by calling the Diskpart utility. The parameters used to configure the disk are specified in the Task Sequencer or CustomSettings.ini. ZTIDiskpart.wsf is primarily run during new computer scenarios. The process is as follows:
The Microsoft Deployment deployment process runs the ZTIDiskpart.wsf script based on the steps and sequence of steps in the Task Sequencer.
ZTIDiskpart.wsf starts the Diskpart utility and sends it the required configuration commands.
ZTIDiskpart.wsf runs ZTIDiskpart.cmd and provides this .txt file as a command-line parameter to ZTIDiskpart.cmd.
The disk is initially cleaned by sending Diskpart the “Clean” command.
If this is the first disk, and a disk configuration has not been specified in the Task Sequencer or CustomSettings.ini, a single partition is created to store the OS. However, if a disk configuration has been specified, the disk will be configured in accordance with the specified configuration.
If BitLocker Drive Encryption is to be enabled, space is reserved at the end of the first disk.
All format commands are queued until after Diskpart has completed. If not explicitly specified in the Task Sequencer or CustomSettings.ini, ZTIDiskpart.wsf performs a quick format of drive C using the following command line: FORMAT C: /FS:NTFS /V:OSDisk /Q /Y
ZTIDiskpart.wsf copies the ZTIDiskpart_diskpart.log and BDD.log files from the RAM disk back to the hard drive.
You can customize this file to create different partition configurations on the target computer using by providing the required information in the Task Sequencer or CustomSettings.ini.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIDiskpart.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
BDEDriveLetter |
BDEDriveSize |
BDEInstall |
DeploymentType |
ImageBuild |
OSDDiskIndex |
OSDDiskpartBiosCompatibilityMode |
OSDDiskType |
OSDPartitions |
This script contains disk-related functions and subroutines that are called by the various scripts in the Microsoft Deployment deployment process.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="ZTIDiskUtility.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script installs the additional device drivers onto the target computer prior to initiating the configuration of the operating system. This script reads the Drivers.xml file and copies the list of device driver files in the Drivers.xml file (created and managed by the Deployment Workbench Drivers node) to the target computer.
When not deploying the Windows Vista operating system, the following updates are also performed on the target computer:
The setup answer files, Sysprep.inf or Unattend.txt, are updated so that the OemPnPDriversPath property includes the new driver locations.
The following registry value is updated to include the new driver locations: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIDrivers.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
DeploymentMethod |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
DriverGroup |
DriverPaths |
OSDPlatformArch |
Phase |
ResourceRoot |
TaskSequenceID |
This script gathers the properties and processing rules that control the deployment process. The properties and rules are explicitly defined in this script (also known as local properties), contained in the ZTIGather.xml file, contained in the CustomSettings.ini file, and in the deployment database (created in the Deployment Workbench Database node).
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIGather.wsf </debug:value> </localonly> </inifile:ini_file_name> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/localonly |
Returns only the information about the target computer and the current operating system installed on the target computer. Does not parse the input .ini file (specified in the /inifile argument) and returns properties and rules specified in the .ini file. If not specified, the script will return information about the target computer, the currently installed operating system, and will parse the .ini file. |
/inifile:ini_file_name |
Name and path of the input .ini file that contains the properties and rules used in the deployment process. If not specified, the script uses the default value of CustomSettings.ini. |
Name |
Read |
Write |
All |
This script captures and restores the local group membership on the target computer. This script is called with the /capture argument to back up the group membership from the target computer before deploying the operating system. The CaptureGroups property contains the list of groups to be backed up by this script. The script is called with the /restore argument to restore the group membership after the operating system is deployed. When performing a restore, it will restore the membership of all groups that were backed up when the script was run using the /capture argument.
Note When restoring group membership, the script does not create any destination groups that do not already exist on the target computer. Therefore, be sure to include all required groups in the reference computer when building the image file.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIGroups.wsf </debug:value> </backup> </restore> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/capture |
Backs up the group membership of the local groups on the target computer as specified in the CaptureGroups property. |
/restore |
Restores the group membership to the local groups backed up earlier in the deployment process. |
Name |
Read |
Write |
CaptureGroups |
Groups |
HostName |
Install Language Packs for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTILangPacksOnline.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
OSVersion |
This script moves the captured user state and backup files to C:\Windows\Temp\StateStore.
Note This script is run only when deploying images using System Center Configuration Manager.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIMoveStateStore.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script updates the Phase property to the next phase in the deployment process. The Task Sequencer uses these phases to determine the sequence in which each task must be completed. The Phase property includes the following values:
VALIDATION. Identify that the target computer is capable of running the scripts necessary to complete the deployment process.
STATECAPTURE. Save any user state migration data before deploying the new target operating system.
PREINSTALL. Complete any tasks that need to be done (such as creating new partitions) before the target operating system is deployed.
INSTALL. Install the target operating system on the target computer.
POSTINSTALL. Complete any tasks that need to be done before restoring the user state migration data. These tasks customize the target operating system before starting the target computer the first time after deployment (such as installing updates or adding drivers).
STATERESTORE. Restore the user state migration data saved during the State Capture Phase.
For more information about the Phase property, see the corresponding topic in the “Properties” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTINextPhase.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentMethod |
Phase |
This script configures activated network adapters with values that were captured by ZTIGather.wsf based on the properties listed in the CustomSettings.ini file or the deployment database (created in the Deployment Workbench Database node).
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTINicConfig.wsf </debug:value> </ForceCapture> </RestoreWithinWinPE> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/ForceCapture |
If there are any local networking adapters with static IP addresses saved, this script will capture those settings and save them to the local environment. For example: C:\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS\VARIABLES.DAT. This script can be useful in capturing static IP settings for a large number of machines for automation. |
/RestoreWithinWinPE |
When specified, will apply any saved static IP network settings to the local machine, when appropriate. Used for internal processing only. |
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
OSDAdapterCount |
OSDMigrateAdapterSettings |
Phase |
This script contains network adapter–related functions and subroutines that are called by the various scripts in the Microsoft Deployment deployment process.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="ZTINicUtility.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
OSDAdapterAdapterIndexAdapterName |
This script installs server roles for target computers that are running Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. The script reads the OSRoles, OSRoleServices, and OSFeatures properties to determine what should be installed.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIOSRole.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
IsServerCoreOS |
OSFeatures |
OSRoles |
OSRoleServices |
OSVersion |
This script installs a list of packages during the OSD State Restore Phase. The installation process is:
Retrieve the list of packages from the Packages environment variable into the oPackageList dictionary object.
Verify that the Osdswdexec executable can be located.
Verify the existence of the specified .ini file. The default .ini file is CustomSettings.ini.
Read the Systems Management Server database connection information from the specified .ini file.
Connect to the Systems Management Server database.
Read each package from oPackageList and call the InstallSinglePackage procedure to launch the installation.
The InstallSinglePackage procedure queries the Systems Management Server database for the Systems Management Server package information.
The InstallSinglePackage procedure launches the installation using Osdswdexec.exe.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIPackages.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
PackageID |
Packages |
ProgramName |
This script installs updates (language packs, security updates, and so on) that are listed in the Packages.xml file.
The script will terminate if the deployment is not in one of the following states:
DeploymentMethod equals OSD and Phase equals POSTINSTALL
DeploymentMethod not equal OSD and Phase equals PREINSTALL
The script will start Pkgmgr if the deployment is in the following state:
- DeploymentMethod equals OSD and Phase equals POSTINSTALL.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIPatches.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
DeployRoot |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
LanguagePacks |
OSDPlatformArch |
Phase |
ResourceRoot |
This script checks to verify that the target computer has the prerequisite software installed, and that it is functional. The checks performed are:
Determine if the Windows Script version is equal to or greater than version 5.6.
Verify that errors do not occur when object references are instantiated to Wscript.Shell, Wscript.Network, Scripting.FileSystemObject MSXML2.DOMDocument, and the Process environment.
If any one of the checks fail, an error is raised and the script exits the ValidatePrereq procedure.
Value |
Description |
Input |
None |
Output |
None |
References |
None |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
None |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
None |
This script initializes ZTI when deploying using Systems Center Configuration Manager. The script process is:
If debugging is activated, the script creates the OSD.Debug and Archive_OSD.sms files.
It configures these properties:
ScriptRoot is set to the parent folder of the current running script.
DeployRoot is set to the parent folder of ScriptRoot.
ResourceRoot is set to DeployRoot.
DeploySystemDrive is set to “C:.”
DeploymentMethod is set to “CONFIGMGR.”
When DeployRoot contains “:\”:
The DeployRoot folder is copied to _SMSTSMDataPath\WDPackage.
ScriptRoot is set to _SMSTSMDataPath\WDPackage\Scripts.
DeployRoot is set to the parent folder of ScriptRoot.
ResourceRoot is set to DeployRoot.
When Phase is NULL:
If the %SystemDrive% environment variable is “X:,” then DeploymentType is set to “NEWCOMPUTER” and Phase is set to “PREINSTALL.” Otherwise DeploymentType is set to “REPLACE” and Phase is set to “VALIDATION.”
If the OldComputer.tag file exists in the parent folder of the current running script, then DeploymentType is set to “REPLACE” and Phase is set to “VALIDATION.” Otherwise DeploymentType is set to “REFRESH” and Phase is set to “VALIDATION.”
For more information about these properties, see the corresponding topics in the “Properties” section of this reference.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTICONFIGMGR.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
_SMSTSMDataPath |
BDDPackageID |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
DeployRoot |
DeploySystemDrive |
Phase |
ResourceRoot |
ScriptRoot |
This script sets the specified global task sequence variable that corresponds to the name contained in VariableName to the value contained in VariableValue.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTISetVariable.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
VariableName |
VariableValue |
This script will tattoo the target computer with identification and version information. The processes of this script are:
Locate and copy the ZTITatoo.mof file to the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem folder. Any preexisting ZTITatoo.mof that exists at the destination will be deleted prior to starting the copy operation.
Mofcomp.exe will be run using the following command line: %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Mofcomp.exe -autorecover %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\ZTITatoo.mof.
These deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\BDD 2007:
Deployment Method is set to DeploymentMethod.
Deployment Type is set to DeploymentType.
Deployment Timestamp is set to the current date in WMI date format.
Task Sequence ID is set to TaskSequenceID.
Task Sequence Name is set to TaskSequenceName.
Task Sequence Version is set to TaskSequenceVersion.
If OSDPACKAGEID is not NULL, these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\BDD 2007:
OSD Package ID is set to OSDPACKAGEID.
OSD Program Name is set to OSDPROGRAMID.
OSD Advertisement ID is set to OSDADVERTID.
If OSDPACKAGEID is not NULL, these deployment details are written to the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion:
Note This script is not designed to run on Windows PE.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTITatoo.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentMethod |
DeploymentType |
OSDAdvertID |
OSDPackageID |
OSDProgramID |
OSDSiteCode |
OSVersion |
TaskSequenceID |
TaskSequenceName |
TaskSequenceVersion |
This script initializes USMT to capture and restore user state on the target computer.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIUserState.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
DeploymentType |
DeploySystemDrive |
ImageSize |
ImageSizeMultiplier |
InstallFromPath |
IsServerOS |
LoadStateArgs |
OSDPackagePath |
OSDStateStorePath |
OSVersion |
ScanStateArgs |
StatePath |
UDDir |
UDProfiles |
UDShare |
UserDataLocation |
USMTConfigFile |
USMTEstimate |
USMTLocal |
USMTMigFiles |
This script contains utility functions that are used by most of the Microsoft Deployment scripts.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
None |
References |
Location |
Use |
<script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/> |
Value |
Description |
None |
None |
Name |
Read |
Write |
_SMSTSAdvertID |
_SMSTSCurrentActionName |
_SMSTSCustomProgressDialogMessage |
_SMSTSInstructionTableSize |
_SMSTSLogPath |
_SMSTSOrgName |
_SMSTSNextInstructionPointer |
_SMSTSPackageID |
_SMSTSPackageName |
_SMSTSPackagePath |
_SMSTSReserved1 |
_SMSTSReserved2 |
Architecture |
AssetTag |
EventShare |
ComputerName |
Debug |
DeployRoot |
HostName |
ImageBuild |
ImageFlags |
ImageIndex |
ImageLanguage |
ImageMemory |
ImageProcessor |
ImageProcessorSpeed |
ImageSize |
InstallFromPath |
JoinDomain |
MacAddress |
OSDAdvertID |
OSDComputerName |
OSDNewMachineName |
OSDPackageID |
OSDPackagePath |
OSDReserved1 |
OSVersion |
Phase |
ResourceRoot |
SLShare |
TaskSequenceName |
TaskSequenceVersion |
UDDir |
UDShare |
UserID |
UserPassword |
UserDomain |
WDSServer |
This script ensures that it is safe for the deployment to continue by validating the condition of the target computer. The script processes are:
If DeploymentType equals “REFRESH” or “UPGRADE” and the target computer is a server, the script will exit.
If OSInstall exists and is not equal to “Y”, the script will exit.
Verify the minimum amount of RAM exists on the target computer. If not, the script will exit.
Verify the processor meets the minimum required speed. If not, the script will exit.
Verify the hard disk size meets the minimum size requirements. If not, the script will exit.
Verify that the target computer’s operating system is installed on drive C. If not, the script will exit.
During an Upgrade scenario: If VerifyOS = “SERVER,” verify that a server operating system is not pending deployment to a target computer that is running a workstation operating system.
During an Upgrade scenario: If VerifyOS = “CLIENT,” verify that a workstation operating system is not pending deployment to a target computer that is running a server operating system.
If DeploymentType equals “REFRESH,” verify that drive C is not compressed by running Compact /u C:\.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIValidate.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
DeploymentType |
ImageMemory |
ImageProcessorSpeed |
ImageSize |
ImageSizeMultiplier |
IsServerOS |
Memory |
OSDPackagePath |
OSInstall |
ProcessorSpeed |
VerifyOS |
This script scans for and installs required updates. The script processes include:
Download the file from:
Extract the WURedist.xml from the file to the %Temp% directory.
Verify the version of the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wuaueng.dll file meets the minimum required as specified by the clientVersion property contained in the WURedist.xml file. If not, the latest Windows Update Agent (WUA) will be downloaded from the location specified in the downloadUrl property contained in the WURedist.xml file. When the download completes, the downloaded file will be installed using the following command line arguments: /wuforce /quiet.
Delete the files that were recently downloaded.
The file is downloaded from:
The Authorization.xml file is extracted from the file to the %Temp% directory.
Read the ServiceID from the Authorization.xml file and configure the Automatic Updates service accordingly.
Retrieve the script's command-line argument.
Verify that the target computer’s operating system has been activated.
Build an exclusions list based on values contained in WUMU_ExcludeKB and WUMU_ExcludeID.
Use the Automatic Updates service to query for updates with a status specified by UpdateCommand.
Mark for download and installation any updates that are not found in the exclusions list and that do not require user input.
Download and install the binaries for any updates that require installation.
Set SMSTSRebootRequested to “true.”
Note Consider customizing the script so that it collects the Windows Update Agent installation files and software updates from an internal enterprise server rather than from the Microsoft servers.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf </debug:value> <UpdateCommand:<IsInstalled=0|1> <IsHidden=0|1>> <Query:true|false> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
/UpdateCommand:param |
/Query:value |
Note When specified, UpdateCommand requires at least one option.
Note If specifying both options for UpdateCommand, they must be separated by “and”.
Note The default value for UpdateCommand is IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0.
Name |
Read |
Write |
Architecture |
MSIT_WU_Count |
SMSTSRebootRequested |
SMSTSRetryRequested |
WUMU_ExcludeID |
WUMU_ExcludeKB |
This script formats the target computer’s hard disk. The script processes include:
The script exits if WipeDisk is not equal to “TRUE”.
Determines the appropriate drive to format.
Formats the drive by calling cmd /c format Drive /fs:ntfs /p:3 /Y where Drive is the drive letter of the hard disk drive to be formatted.
Value |
Description |
Input |
Environment Variables. Contains the property values, custom property values, database connections, deployment rules, and other information required by the scripts to complete the deployment process. |
Output |
References |
ZTIUtility.vbs. Includes support functions and subroutines used by the script. |
Location |
distribution\Scripts |
Use |
cscript ZTIWipeDisk.wsf </debug:value> |
Value |
Description |
/debug:value |
Outputs the event messages to the console and to the .log files. If the value specified in value is:
Name |
Read |
Write |
ResourceRoot |
WipeDisk |
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