Accessibility features in DPM

Published : April 8, 2005 | Updated : August 17, 2005

As part of the accessibility features and tools in Microsoft Windows operating systems, the following features make DPM more accessible for people with disabilities

DPM Help keyboard shortcuts

DPM Help includes features that make it accessible to a wider range of users, including those who have limited dexterity, low vision, or other disabilities. The following keyboard commands will help you to browse within the DPM Help viewer.

To do this…

Use this keyboard shortcut…

Display the Help window


Switch the cursor between the navigation pane and the topic pane


Change between tabs while in the navigation pane

ALT + underlined letter of the tab

Select the next hidden text or hyperlink


Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink


Perform the action for the selected Show All, Hide All, hidden text, or hyperlink


Display or hide the Options menu.


Hide or display the Navigation pane.

ALT + O, and then press T

Display the previous topic.

ALT + O, and then press B

Display the next topic in a previously displayed sequence of topics

ALT + O, and then press F

Display the next topic.

ALT + O, and then press F

Stop the Help window from opening a Help topic (useful if you want to stop a Web page from downloading)

ALT + O, and then press S

Open the Internet Options dialog box for Microsoft Internet Explorer, where you can change accessibility settings

ALT + O, and then press I.

Refresh the topic (useful if you have linked to a Web page).

ALT + O, and then press R

Display the Print dialog box.

ALT + O, and then press P

Move up and down through the topics in the navigation pane or through the content in the topic pane

UP and DOWN arrows

Open the selected topic


Expand the selected topic

RIGHT arrow

Collapse the selected topic

LEFT arrow

Close the Help window

ALT + F4

Keyboard shortcuts for DPM Administrator Console

The following keyboard commands will help you to browse within DPM Administrator Console.

To do this…

Use this keyboard shortcut…

Select a menu heading

F10 or ALT

Move up and down a menu

UP and DOWN arrows

Open a selected menu item


Display the File menu


Display the Action menu


Display the View menu


Move between menus

RIGHT and Left arrows

Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item


Exit DPM Administrator Console

ALT + F4

Print the current page or active pane

Ctrl + P

Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item


Maximize the active console window

Ctrl + F10

Restore the active console window

Ctrl + F5

Alternative mouse control

If you have trouble using a mouse, you can change the MouseKeys settings so that you can use the numeric keypad to move the mouse pointer. For more information, see Windows Server 2003 Help and Support or the Windows Server 2003 Getting Started guide.