Replica is inconsistent

Published : April 8, 2005 | Updated : August 17, 2005


This alert is generated when the replica of the specified volume on the DPM server is inconsistent with the data source. All protection activities for the data source will fail until the replica is made consistent with the data source by performing synchronization with consistency check.


Possible causes for an inconsistent replica include:

  • The consistency check that DPM automatically performs on a newly created replica during replica creation has not yet been performed.

  • The synchronization log on the file server ran out of space before all data changes to the data source were logged.

  • DPM determined that the file server shut down unexpectedly.


A consistency check must be performed on the specified replica.

If a daily consistency check is scheduled, DPM will automatically perform the consistency check at the next scheduled time. For more information, see How to modify protection options. Otherwise, you need to manually perform a consistency check on the replica. For more information, see How to synchronize a replica.

If the average synchronization log disk usage is 75 percent or greater, you should allocate more disk space for the synchronization log. This will minimize the risk of inconsistent replicas. For more information, see How to modify disk allocation.