Best Practices and Limitations

The task infrastructure provides a significant amount of flexibility; however, there are some limitations that should be considered when designing a Management Pack that includes tasks, including:

  • Run-time tasks can only return task output in an event description. To display task status, Management Packs should include a top level "Tasks Status" view.

  • Only MOM Authors and MOM Administrators can run runtime tasks. All MOM roles can run console tasks.

  • "Run-As" and task scheduling are not features in this release of MOM.

  • MOM does not support the distribution of files for tasks. All binaries on which your task is dependent should be present on the computers you are monitoring. The file transfer response or the file transfer tasks can be used to distribute these files.

  • It is essential that the tool that is required by the tasks is always present in default installations of your application. If your Management Pack spans multiple versions of a product, it is recommended that you only ship tasks that depend on executables present in all versions of the product.


Author: Tom Keane

Co-Authors: Chris Hallum, Dale Koetke, Thomas Theiner

Applies To:   Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

Primary Reviewers: Steve Wilson, Matthew Brown, James Hedrick, James R. Morey

Managing Editor: Sandra Faucett