Scheduling Software Inventory

By default, SMS software inventory runs once every seven days. You can change the software inventory schedule by setting the time of day and frequency that best suits your requirements. The software inventory agent does many disk reads on each SMS client to collect software inventory. In some cases, users might notice a slowdown on their computer as result of this activity. You should test software inventory in your test lab using typical user configurations to see if this might be an issue for your users. At large sites, software inventory collection can result in a significant amount of network activity. You can schedule software inventory to always occur when the client agent activity has the least impact on users.

Schedule software inventory by configuring settings in the Software Inventory Client Agent Properties dialog box. Navigate to the Software Inventory Client Agent Properties dialog box as directed in the "Enabling and Disabling Software Inventory" section earlier in this chapter, and specify the best schedule for your SMS site. There are two ways to schedule software inventory. You can either select an interval, or you can specify a start date and time, and a recurring schedule. For more detailed information about scheduling software inventory, see the SMS Help.

Forcing immediate software inventory on a client

To run software inventory immediately on a single client, use the Systems Management icon in Control Panel.

To force a software inventory on the Advanced Client

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Systems Management icon.

  2. On the Actions tab, click Software Inventory Cycle.

  3. Click Initiate Action.

To force a software inventory on the Legacy Client

  1. In Control Panel, double-click Systems Management.

  2. On the Components tab, click Software Inventory Agent.

  3. Click Start Component.

Forcing software inventory does not disrupt the normal software inventory cycle. The regularly scheduled software inventory still runs at the time scheduled in the Software Inventory Agent.

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