You can do a command-line installation on the target computer directly if you have local administrator rights on the target computer. Table 7.2 provides the command-line options for installing agents.
The command-line options for MOMAgent.msi must be uppercase, and the values of the options are case sensitive.
Table 7.2 Command-Line Options for MOMAgent.msi
Option |
Description |
The destination folder for installing the agent. The default value is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Operations Manager 2005. |
The management group name. |
The primary Management Server for the agent. |
Allows mutual authentication in a disjointed domains. |
The agent control level:
The default is Group, and the value is case-sensitive. |
The user name of an account to use for the MOM Agent Action Account, if you want to use an account other than the default Local System account. Note This has no effect on the account that the MOM service runs under. |
The password of the account to use for the MOM Agent Action Account, if you want to use an account other than the default Local System account. |
The domain of an account to use for the MOM Agent Action Account if you want to use an account other than the default Local System account. |
Used to remove an agent from a management group. Set this value to one of the following: RemoveConfigGroup AddConfigGroup ModifyConfigGroup |
Required when a configuration group is added, removed, or modified. Set this value to ALL. |
Used to completely remove an agent from the computer. Removes all agent components. Set this value to MOMXAgent. |
Set this value to the Configuration Group name to permanently remove an agent from a management group. When the last management group is deleted from the agent configuration, the agent is removed. Note Specify all the required values. |
The secure port to use for agent communication. The default value is 1270. |
To enable mutual authentication, set this value to 1. If this value is set to 0, mutual authentication is not enabled. The default value is 0. |
The name of another Management Server in the same management group. The agent contacts this alternative Management Server only if the primary Management Server (MANAGEMENT_SERVER) is unavailable during the installation process. Note After the agent has established communication with the Management Server, the value of the alternative Management Server is determined by the primary Management Server. |
Example command-line syntax
An agent with a control level of None installed in the default location using an account other than the default Local System account for the MOM Agent Action Account.
msiexec /i \\<location of setup program>\MOMAgent.msi CONFIG_GROUP="group_name" MANAGEMENT_SERVER="server_name"AM_CONTROL="Group" ACTIONSUSER="account_name" ACTIONSPASSWORD="account_password" ACTIONSDOMAIN="domain_name" /q
An agent with a control level of Full installed in the default location using an account other than the default Local System account for the MOM Agent Action Account.
msiexec /i \\<location of setup program>\MOMAgent.msi CONFIG_GROUP="group_name" MANAGEMENT_SERVER="server_name" AM_CONTROL="Full" ACTIONSUSER="account_name" ACTIONSPASSWORD="account_password" ACTIONSDOMAIN="domain_name" /q