Understanding Support Implications of Scripted Solutions

Scripts that you create can be supported only by you or people that you work with. Other people, including Microsoft Product Support Services, might voluntarily offer to try to correct problems with your scripts, but you cannot expect that they will provide such support. They might not have a full understanding of the techniques that are used by your script, and your script might be so complex that it would be prohibitively time-consuming to attempt to fix it. For these reasons, scripts should be treated like any other custom in-house application.

Scripts can also cause adverse effects to your systems. Because scripts operate very rapidly, usually without human intervention and without the checks that are built into the SMS Administrator console, your scripts can damage your systems. Thorough analysis of the relevant SMS processes and thorough testing of your scripts minimizes the risk of problems, but it can be difficult to guarantee that no problems will occur. Therefore, you must take responsibility for problems that are caused by your scripts.

In some cases, it might not be clear whether a problem is caused by your script or other factors. You can attempt to reproduce the problem by using normal manual processes. If the problem occurs again, your script is not the cause.

Microsoft provides script, macro, and other code examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The scripts provided in this appendix and elsewhere in the SMS documentation are provided as is and Microsoft does not guarantee that the scripts or code can be used in all situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of the scripts or code to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose. While Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular script or code example, they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality nor will they help you construct scripts or code to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you might want to consult a Microsoft Solution Provider. Microsoft Solution Providers offer a wide range of fee-based services, including creating custom scripts.

On This Page

Understanding the Security Implications of Scripted Solutions

Understanding the Security Implications of Scripted Solutions

Because SMS scripts use the SMS Provider, just like the SMS Administrator console, users running your scripts are subject to the same security constraints that they are subject to when using the SMS Administrator console.

In addition, the SMS Provider generates status messages at the same points that they are created when using the SMS Administrator console. Therefore, SMS operations can be audited to the same degree regardless of whether the operations are done through the SMS Administrator console or by scripts.

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