Customizing Product Compliance Data

To analyze product compliance, the SMS site database must contain product compliance data. Product compliance data consists of records, each of which represents a product compliance guideline that needs to be included in the compliance analysis. Initially, the SMS site database does not contain product compliance data, but you can generate and add product compliance records to the SMS site database.

  • You can add or modify product compliance records to the SMS site database either manually or automatically. You can only delete product compliance records manually. With the manual method, you use dialog boxes in the SMS Administrator console to update product compliance data. This method is useful if you need to customize a small number of records. The automatic method requires a product compliance data file and is more efficient if you need to customize a large number of records. Customizing the product compliance data by using both methods is discussed later in this section.

When adding a new product compliance record, you can also extend the list of compliance types and compliance levels as follows:

  • Add a new compliance type with a new compliance level for that type

  • Add a new compliance level for an existing compliance type

If a new record contains a new compliance type or level, the new item is appended to the list of compliance types or compliance levels as appropriate. You can then view the new type or level in the Compliance area in the Product Compliance Properties dialog box. The new compliance type is listed in the Type list. The new compliance level is listed in the Level list when you select the type that is associated with that level**.**


  • When adding or updating product compliance records, use consistent labels for compliance type and compliance level. This ensures that queries and reports yield the expected results.

To perform any operation described in this section, you need to navigate to Product Compliance in the SMS Administrator console, as follows:


Systems Management Server > Site Database >Product Compliance

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