White paper: Using HTTP Compression with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0


The information provided in this article applies to Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services 2.0 only.

This white paper is designed to present an understanding of HTTP compression, which is a feature of Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 that can lower your bandwidth costs, improve performance, and reduce the time required to render Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web site pages.

HTTP compression can be enabled for the entire server (global) or for specific virtual servers, and for specific file types. You can also configure the extent to which you want to compress certain types of files; this is referred to as compression level.

HTTP compression is compatible with any Web browser or client application that supports HTTP/1.1 (most current Web browsers support HTTP/1.1). Users do not need to configure their browser to enable HTTP compression; it only needs to be enabled on the Web server.

This document covers the following topics:

  • Advantages of HTTP compression

  • How HTTP compression works

  • Before enabling HTTP compression

  • Enabling HTTP compression

  • Specifying the file types to compress

  • Changing the compression level

  • Enumerating the current settings for HTTP compression

  • Additional resources

Using HTTP Compression with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=104818\&clcid=0x409)

See Also

Other Resources

Using HTTP Compression with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0