Microsoft ISA Server 2004 Getting Started Guide

Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 introduces multi-networking support, easy-to-use and highly integrated virtual private networking configuration, extended and extensible user and authentication models, and improved management features, including configuration import and export.

1.1 Who should read this document

Read this document if you:

  • Use ISA Server 2000 and want to learn about what is new in ISA Server 2004.
  • Use another firewall and are new to ISA Server.
  • Need an introduction to ISA Server 2004 features.
  • Want to set up ISA Server in a laboratory and use a guided walk-through to learn how to implement ISA Server in your company. For details, see Feature Walk-through.

After you read this guide, for more information about ISA Server features and functionality, see ISA Server Help.

1.2 What is in this document

This document includes an overview of product features introduced in this release of ISA Server 2004. It also provides installation instructions. Most importantly, this document includes walk-throughs that you can implement in a laboratory environment to familiarize yourself with the product features. The best way to understand ISA Server features is to use them, so we recommend that you set up a laboratory and try the walk-throughs in this document. For details, see Feature Walk-through.

Much of the information included in this document is also available in online format, integrated into ISA Server online Help.

[Topic Last Modified: 02/25/2008]