Configuring other settings via SharePoint Central Administration
Applies to: Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint
You can configure several realtime scan settings, including the following:
The ability to scan documents on upload or download
The ability to download infected documents
The number of seconds the realtime scan should run before timing out
You can use SharePoint Central Administration to configure these settings.
To access the settings
In the SharePoint and antivirus settings section of the Antimalware - Realtime pane, click the link to SharePoint Central Administration.
In the SharePoint Central Administration window, click the Operations tab, and then under Security Configuration, click Antivirus.
In the Antivirus window, in the Antivirus Settings, Antivirus Time Out, and Antivirus Threads sections, you can change various settings, as described in the sections that follow.
The Antivirus Settings section specifies when you want Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint (FPSP) to scan the documents stored in document libraries and lists for viruses, as well as whether you want to attempt to clean infected documents. This section contains the following configurable settings:
Scan documents on upload—Specifies whether to scan a file that is being uploaded to the SharePoint server. This setting is enabled by default.
Scan documents on download— Specifies whether to scan a file that is being downloaded from the SharePoint server. This setting is enabled by default.
Allow users to download infected documents—If enabled, this setting permits the downloading of documents known to be infected. If this setting is left disabled (the default setting), FPSP prevents all known infected documents from being downloaded.
Attempt to clean infected documents—If enabled, this setting permits the realtime scan to clean infected documents, if possible. If the file cannot be cleaned, it is reported as infected, and FPSP prevents the document from being downloaded (unless the Allow users to download infected documents setting is enabled). If the infected file is nested and cannot be cleaned, the realtime scan removes the infected nested file. If this setting is disabled, FPSP marks a detected file as infected, makes no attempt to clean the file, and prevents the file from being downloaded (unless the Allow users to download infected documents setting is enabled). This setting is enabled by default.
The Antivirus Time Out section permits you, via the Time out duration (in seconds) setting, to modify how long, in seconds, the realtime scan should run before timing out. If server response time is slow while scanning, you may want to decrease the time. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). This setting is displayed on the Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint Administrator Console as Timeout scanning after (seconds).
The Antivirus Threads section permits you, via the Number of threads setting, to modify the number of execution threads that the realtime scan can use. If server response time is slow while scanning, you may want to decrease the number of threads allowed for virus scanning. The default value is 10 threads. This setting is displayed on the FPSP Administrator Console as Allow scanner to use up to (threads).