Install the Hosted E-mail Offline Address Book (OAB) Update Batch Application

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Install the Hosted E-mail Offline Address Book (OAB) Update Batch Application

In the following procedures you will install and configure the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application and configure it to run as a scheduled job. The application runs on a daily schedule in order to rebuild the OABs for organizations that have had membership modifications.


  1. Install the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application
  2. Configure Security for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application
  3. Add the MPSOabRebuildAcct to the MPFClientAccts Group
  4. Configure Security Access for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application Local Resources
  5. Configure Option Settings for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application
  6. Execute the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application
  7. Create a Scheduled Task for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application


  • All previous procedures to install Hosted E-mail provisioning have been completed.

Install the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application

In this procedure you will install the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application using MSIExec.


Follow this procedure after the Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS) Exchange OAB Update Installer Wizard has launched.

Procedure DWHE.106: To install the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application

  1. On MPS01, open a command prompt and change to the Service Provisioning\MPS\Install folder on your solution media.
  2. Run the following command: <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">msiexec.exe /i HmOabUpdate.msi OABUSERPW=password</pre> where FakePre-15add76772ed4ea293bd4f8626683f71-0e71d7d4d32b46e8891041190d0b8e29 is a password that meets your Active Directory directory service security requirements.

Configure Security for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application

In the following procedures you will configure security access for the application's registry keys, local resources, and Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS) procedures.

Procedure DWHE.107: To configure security access for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application registry keys

  1. On MPS01, start Registry Editor: Click Start, click Run, and then type regedit.
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Provisioning\HmOabUpdate key.
  3. Click the Edit menu, and then select Permissions.
  4. In the Permissions for HmOabUpdate dialog box, click Add.
  5. Type MPSExchangeAccts and click Check Names to verify that the group exists, and then click OK.
  6. Click Advanced, select MPSExchangeAccts in the permissions entries list, and then click Edit.
  7. In the Apply onto list, ensure that this key and subkeys is selected.
  8. In the Permissions list, leave the default values selected, and then select the Allow check box for the Set Value and Create Subkey permissions.

Add the MPSOabRebuildAcct to the MPFClientAccts Group

In the following procedure you will add the MPSOabRebuildAcct user to the MPFClientAccts group. This is required in order to execute the HMOABUpdate application as a scheduled task.

Procedure DWHE.108: To add the MPSOabRebuildAcct to the MPFClientAccts group

  1. On AD01, open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Expand, and then select Users.
  3. In the right pane, locate and right-click the MPFClientAccts group, and then select Properties.
  4. In the Properties dialog box, select the Members tab.
  5. Click Add, type MPSOabRebuildAcct, and then click Check Names. Verify that MPSOabRebuildAcct is underlined, and then click OK.

Configure Security Access for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application Local Resources

In this procedure, you will grant MPSExchangeAccts modify permissions to the Exchange OAB Update directory

Procedure DWHE.109: To configure security access for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application local resources

  1. On MPS01 open Explorer and navigate to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Provisioning.
  2. Right-click the Exchange OAB Update directory and select Properties.
  3. Select the Security tab and click Add.
  4. Type MPSExchangeAccts, and then click Check Names to verify that the group exists. Click OK.
  5. Ensure that the Allow check box for the Modify permission is selected, and then click OK.

Configure Option Settings for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application

In this procedure, you will edit the applications configuration file to change settings to appropriate values for your deployment. At a minimum you may need to update the preferredDomainController property.

Procedure DWHE.110: To configure optional settings for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application

  1. Remove the read-only attribute from <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Provisioning\Exchange OAB Update\HmOabUpdate.exe.config, and then open the file.
  2. Set the preferredDomainController value to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your preferred domain controller as in the following example: <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">&lt;configuration&gt; &lt;appSettings&gt; &lt;add key="eventLogLevel" value="Minimum"/&gt; &lt;add key="screenLogLevel" value="Minimum"/&gt; &lt;add key="logAllEventsToFile" value="true"/&gt; &lt;add key="preferredDomainController" value=""/&gt; &lt;/appSettings&gt; &lt;/configuration&gt;</pre>
  3. Save the file after making your changes.

Execute the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application

In the following procedure you execute the Hosted E-mail OAB Update batch application from the command line.

Procedure DWHE.111: To execute Hosted E-mail OAB Update from a command line

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Provisioning\ Exchange OAB Update.
  2. Run the following command: <pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns="">HmOabUpdate.exe</pre>
  3. Close the command prompt when the application has finished processing.

Create a Scheduled Task for the Hosted E-mail OAB Update Batch Application

In the following procedures you will create a scheduled task for the application, and configure it to run daily at 6:00 A.M.

Procedure DWHE.112: To create a scheduled task to run Hosted E-mail OAB Update daily

  1. On MPS01 open the Control Panel, and then double-click Scheduled Tasks.

  2. Double-click Add Scheduled Task. In the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.

  3. Click Browse, and then select <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Hosting\Provisioning\Exchange OAB Update\HmOabUpdate.exe.

  4. Click Open, select the Daily option, and then click Next.

  5. Set Start Time to 6:00 A.M., and then click Next.

  6. Enter the Fabrikam\MPSOabRebuildAcct user name and the password for this account. Click Next.


    Task Scheduler does not verify that the password you enter for the MPSOabRebuildAcct matches the password set for the user in Active Directory directory service. If you enter an incorrect password, the task will fail when it runs at its scheduled time.

  7. Click Finish to complete the task.