Troubleshoot Active Directory Alerts

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Troubleshoot Active Directory Alerts

The following table describes Active Directory alerts you may encounter in Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 and resources for troubleshooting them.

Table: Active Directory Alerts Generated by MOM

Monitoring alert Description Troubleshooting guidelines
A domain controller has received a significant number of new replication partners. This is normal when a computer is in the process of becoming a global catalog server or bridgehead server, or when new domains or domain controllers are added to the environment. Abnormal causes of this alert include replication or site link problems. For more information about troubleshooting replication issues, see Troubleshooting Active Directory Replication Problems. For recommendations and procedures for establishing and verifying sites and site links, see Managing Sites.
Active Directory Essential Services has detected <description of the error>. This is a high priority alert, because it indicates that the domain controller is unusable for the reason specified in the error. If the alert indicates that a service is not running, restart the service. If the alert indicates a SYSVOL problem, see Troubleshooting File Replication Service or Active Directory Management Pack Technical Reference for MOM 2005Managing SYSVOL for further information about troubleshooting procedures and recommendations. If the alert indicates that the domain controller is not advertising, see Troubleshooting Active Directory-Related DNS Problems.
Active Directory global catalog search failed. This is a high priority alert, because if a global catalog server cannot be reached, users will not be able to log on, and the Exchange address book will not function. Verify that the global catalog server is functioning properly. See Global Catalog Tools and Settings to ensure that the server is functioning properly.
Active Directory - Lost objects warning. A large number of objects are in the LostAndFound container. See Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Diagnostics, Troubleshooting, and Recovery.
Active Directory replication is occurring slowly. The monitoring system has determined that replication times are exceeding set thresholds. If necessary, see Troubleshooting Active Directory Replication Problems for recommendations on setting replication schedules or site topology configuration. You can also change the threshold if you are satisfied with the current schedule.
Failed to ping or bind to the <operations master> role holder. The destination server might not be functioning, or there might not be network connectivity. See Active Directory Management Pack Technical Reference for MOM 2005 If necessary, see Managing Operations Master Roles to determine if it is appropriate to seize the role. If the outage is expected, see Operations Masters Tools and Settings to transfer the role before the outage to avoid this error.
High CPU alert. An application or service is consuming an inordinate amount of CPU. See High CPU usage occurs, and event 7023 is logged in Event Viewer in Windows Server 2003.
Replication is not occurring - All Active Directory replication partners failed to synchronize. Short-term connectivity problems can be expected, but extended failures indicate a problem. Investigate any problem that persists for more than a few hours. See Troubleshooting Active Directory Replication Problems.
Time skew detected. The system time on the servers indicated in the alert is not synchronized. See Configuring the Windows Time service against a large time offset.