Steps performed on the Destination Server for Windows SBS 2008 migration
Updated: January 22, 2009
Applies To: Windows SBS 2008
Open the DNS Management Console in Windows SBS 2008. To open the console, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
Click Continue in the User Account Controls dialog box.
In the navigation pane, expand the server name, expand Forward Lookup Zones, and then expand the internal domain name (for example, server.local).
Right-click the internal Web site alias (CNAME) resource record, and then click Properties.
Replace the FQDN for the target host entry with the name of the Destination Server (for example, NewServer.contoso.local).
Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005, right-click SQL Server Management Studio Express, and then click Run as Administrator.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
To connect to the content database that the Destination Server uses, do the following:
In the Server name text box, type \\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query.
Click Connect.
To attach the content database, do the following:
In the navigation pane, right-click Databases, and then click Attach.
In the Attach Databases dialog box, in Databases to attach, click Add.
In the Locate Database Files dialog box, navigate to the STS_<SourceServerName>_1.mdf file that you copied from the Source Server to the Destination Server, and then click OK.
In the Attach Databases dialog box, in <DatabaseName> database details, confirm that the STS_<SourceServerName>_1.mdf file and the STS_<SourceServerName>_1_Log.ldf file are listed.
Click OK.
If you see a warning dialog box from MSSMSE, which asks about locating full text catalogs, click No.
Verify that the STS_<SourceServerName>_1 database is listed in the Databases folder in the navigation pane.
Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
In the navigation pane, expand the <DestinationServerName>, right-click Sites, and then click Add Web Site.
In the Add Web Site dialog box, do the following:
In Site name, type OldCompanyWeb.
In Application pool, accept the default OldCompanyWeb.
In Physical path, browse to C:\inetpub, click Make New Folder, and then type OldCompanyWeb as the new folder name.
In the Binding section, in Host name, type OldCompanyWeb.
Click OK.
OldCompanyWeb is added to the Sites folder.
- Close IIS Manager.
Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
In the navigation pane, expand the Forward Lookup Zones.
Right-click <DomainName>.local, and then click New Alias (CNAME).
In the New resource Record dialog box, do the following:
In Alias name (uses parent domain if left bank), type OldCompanyWeb.
In Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for target host, type <ServerName>.<DomainName>.local (for example, NewServer.contoso.local).
Click OK.
Note that the OldCompanyWeb alias (CNAME) resource record is now listed in the Forward Lookup Zone.
Close DNS Manager.
Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
On the Home page, in the navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.
On the Application Management page, in the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application Management section, click Create or extend Web application.
On the Create or Extend Web Application page, click Create a new Web application.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the IIS Web Site section, do the following:
Click Use an existing IIS Web site.
Click OldCompanyWeb in the drop-down list box.
Accept the default entries in the remaining text boxes in the section.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Security Configuration section, accept the default settings:
In Authentication provider, click NTLM.
In Allow Anonymous, click No.
In Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), click No.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Load Balanced URL section, do the following:
Verify that the URL text box contains https://OldCompanyWeb:80/.
Accept Default in the Zone text box.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Application Pool section, do the following:
Click Use existing application pool.
Select OldCompanyWeb or the name of the application pool that you created in Step 4 of the “To create a new Web site to host the new version of CompanyWeb” procedure.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Reset Internet Information Services section, accept the default settings.
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Database Name and Authentication section, do the following:
In Database Server, accept the default <DestinationServerName>\Microsoft##SSEE.
In Database Name, type STS_<SourceServerName>_1.
In Database authentication, click Windows authentication (recommended).
On the Create New Web Application page, in the Search Server section, in Windows SharePoint Services search server, click the Destination Server name in the drop-down list box.
Click OK.
If you receive a warning message, click OK.
The Operation in Progress page is displayed. This operation takes approximately 30 minutes. The new Windows SharePoint Services Web application is created, and the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 CompanyWeb database is upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
The Application Created page is displayed. It notes that you need to reset IIS to finish creating the new Web site. You will do this in a later procedure. Close Central Administration for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
On the Home page, in the navigation bar, click the Application Management tab.
On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Site Management section, click Site Collection Administrators.
On the Site Collection Administrators page, in the Site Collection section, if https://OldCompanyWeb is not displayed in the Site Collection box, do the following:
Click the Site Collection drop-down arrow, and then click Change Site Collection.
On the Select Site Collection page, in the tool bar, click the Web Application drop-down arrow, and then click Change Web Application.
On the Select Web Application page, in the Name column, click OldCompanyWeb, and then click OK.
On the Site Collection Administrators page, confirm that the Primary site collection administrator text box contains a valid user account name in your Windows SBS 2008 domain. If it does not, type a valid user account name.
The built-in Administrator account is not a valid user account name in your Windows SBS 2008 domain.
You can also enter a user account name in the Secondary site collection administrator text box.
Click OK, and then close Central Administration for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
Click Continue in the User Account Control dialog box.
At the command prompt, type iisreset.
When you see the message Internet services successfully restarted, close the Command Prompt window.
You now have a working Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web site that is named OldCompanyWeb and that contains the structure and documents of your old Windows SBS 2003 CompanyWeb Web site. Before you import the content of OldCompanyWeb into the Windows SBS 2008 internal Web site, review the content of the CompanyWeb Web site and reorganize or archive items, if appropriate.
Click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue. A Command Prompt window opens.
At the command prompt, type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN, and then press ENTER.
To back up the existing CompanyWeb Web site, at the command prompt, type stsadm -o export -url https://companyweb -filename cweb.bak –includeusersecurity, and then press ENTER.
To export content from OldCompanyWeb, when the Backup finishes, at the command prompt, type stsadm -o export -url https://Oldcompanyweb -filename oldcweb.bak –includeusersecurity, and then press ENTER.
To import content into the new CompanyWeb, when the export operation finishes, at the command prompt, type stsadm -o import -url https://companyweb -filename oldcweb.bak –includeusersecurity, and then press ENTER.
All the content from https://OldCompanyWeb should now be imported into the Windows SBS 2008 internal Web site. You can delete the Web site, https://OldCompanyWeb, or mark the database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as Read-only to retain the site as an archive database.
The Explorer view in Windows SharePoint Services depends on WebDAV. Typically, WebDAV is installed on client operating systems, but not on server operating systems. To use Internet Explorer to view the content on the Windows SBS 2008 internal Web site, access the site from a client computer on the network, or install the Desktop experience from Server Manager on your Destination Server.