Making Updates to an Operations Manager 2007 Deployment
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2, Operations Manager 2007 SP1
After the initial deployment of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007, you might need to make changes or upgrades to the original deployment for reasons such as the following:
You need to replace hardware that is experiencing problems and that is no longer considered reliable.
You need to add additional hardware to improve scalability and performance.
You need to move a database and log file to a different volume because of space or performance reasons.
You need to change hardware that is leased and is due to expire soon.
You need to change or upgrade hardware to comply with new hardware standards.
You initially installed multiple Operations Manager components on a single server and you need to distribute some components to other servers.
You need to restore functionality in a failure scenario.
Operations Manager supports changes to your Operations Manager deployment as listed below. Be cautious when performing these operations because they can result in data loss if not performed correctly.
How to Move the OperationsManager Database in Operations Manager 2007
How to Move the OperationsManagerDW Database in Operations Manager 2007
How to Move the OperationsManagerAC Database in Operations Manager 2007
How to Promote a Management Server to a Root Management Server Role in Operations Manager 2007
How to Remove a Management Server From a Computer in Operations Manager 2007
How to Move the Operations Manager Reporting Server in Operations Manager 2007