Adding Custom Report Items

A custom report item (CRI) is an extension to Report Definition Language (RDL) that provides a new type of report item that displays data in a report. A CRI appears in the Toolbox as a type of report item that you can drag to the design surface. After you add it to the design surface, you can set properties to connect the CRI to dataset fields or other values that are specified by the author of the CRI.

Before you can use a CRI, the system administrator must install the CRI components. A CRI includes design-time and run-time components that are supplied by third-party software vendors. Design-time CRI components are installed on the report authoring computer so that the CRI appears in the Toolbox as a report item. Design-time components also provide support for working with the CRI on the report design surface. Run-time CRI components are installed on the report authoring computer and on the report server so that the CRI is displayed in the rendered report.

For more information about authoring a CRI, see Custom Report Items.