Secured Components

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This chapter shows how to use Microsoft Transaction Server's security features to restrict the use of application features to designated users.



Scenario: Adding Role Checking to the MoveMoney and Account Components
Add role checking to the MoveMoney and Account components to limit the transaction amount for designated users.



Using IsCallerInRole in the MoveMoney and Account Components
Use the IsCallerInRole method in the MoveMoney and Account components to verify that the user running the Bank client is a manager.



Application Design Notes: Using Roles
Learn how roles are useful in building secured components and how security boundaries are determined.

Scenario: Adding Role Checking to the MoveMoney and Account Components

For this scenario, you will limit which users have the ability to perform transactions of more than $500. You will add code to the MoveMoney and Account components that checks to see if the user of the Bank client is a manager. This is accomplished by defining a Manager role. Roles provide the flexibility a developer needs to build secured components without tying the implementation to a specific deployment domain.

Using IsCallerInRole in the MoveMoney and Account Components

You will add the IsCallerInRole method to the MoveMoney and Account components to verify that the user running the Bank client is a manager. This additional code is the same for both components. You must modify both components because clicking Account in the Bank client doesn't use the MoveMoney component when the Sample Bank application runs.

To use IsCallerInRole in the MoveMoney and Account components

  1. Open the \Mts\Samples\Account.VB\Step8\Account.vbp project.

  2. Build the component as a DLL and save it as \Mts\Samples\Account.VB\Step8\VBAcct.dll.

IsCallerInRole is a method on an object's context. IsCallerInRole returns TRUE if the direct caller of that object is assigned to a given role. You will use IsCallerInRole in the MoveMoney and Account components to verify if the caller of an object—in this case the user running the Bank client—is a manager.

If (lngAmount > 500 Or lngAmount < -500) Then
    If Not GetObjectContext.IsCallerInRole("Managers") Then
        Err.Raise Number:=APP_ERROR, _
        Description:="Need 'Managers' role for amounts over $500"
    End If
End If

Before you can use the new MoveMoney and Account components, you must create the role. The Manager role must exist before the call to IsCallerInRole; otherwise, you will get an error.

Note that the source code is bound to a role name scoped to a package. This creates a dependancy between the source and the package definition that must be considered when making modifications to a Package's security configuration, such as deleting a role.

To define a role for the Sample Bank package

  1. Start the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer.

    If you are currently running Sample Bank, you must shut down the associated server process to change security properties.

  2. Create a role named Manager.

  3. Assign users to the role. If you have access to more than one Windows NT account, you may want to exclude some user accounts from the Manager role to see the role checking in effect.

Run the Bank client. If you are logged on as a user in the Manager role, you will be able to perform transactions of any amount. However, if you are logged on as a user who isn't in the Manager role, you will get a warning message when attempting a transaction of more than $500. The transaction will then abort. If you don't have access to more than one account, try removing your user account from the role to see the role checking enforced.

Application Design Notes: Using Roles

This section explains how roles are useful in building secured components. It also discusses how deployment configuration determines security boundaries.


A role is a symbolic name that defines a group of users for a package of components. Roles extend Windows NT security to allow a developer to build secured components in a distributed application. In this scenario, the Manager role is defined at development time, but not yet bound to specific users. For each deployment of the application, the administrator can then assign the users and groups to a role in order to customize the application for his or her business.

In this scenario, role checking is done by the MoveMoney and Account objects. When both MoveMoney and Account objects are used, the second check (on the Account object) is redundant. However, it yields the same result, because IsCallerInRole applies to the direct caller, and both the MoveMoney and Account objects run in the same server process.


If you place the MoveMoney and Account components into separate packages, the components run in separate server processes. In this scenario, calling IsCallerInRole on the Account object context would check if the MoveMoney object's associated server process is running in the Manager role. MoveMoney is now the direct caller because a process boundary has been crossed.


The Account object runs under a package identity that gives that process full access to the bank account database. Account objects have the authority to update any account for any amount. Roles provide a means of permitting and denying access to objects. Once this permission is granted, the client, in effect, has the same access rights as the server process.

When you configured the package, you chose a package identity of Interactive User. In a real-world scenario, packages are more likely to run as a specific user, such as SampleBank, which has access rights to the database.

Returning to the scenario where you split the MoveMoney and Account components into separate packages, running as the SampleBank user solves the role checking problem. Adding the SampleBank user to the Manager role would allow the second IsCallerInRole check (on the Account object) to always succeed.

Security Boundaries Are Process-Wide

Transaction Server security is enabled only within a server process. Because the MoveMoney component is configured to run within a server process, role checking is enabled.

If you configure the Sample Bank components to run in-process, role checking would be disabled. In this case, IsCallerInRole always returns TRUE, which means the direct caller would always pass the authorization check.

You could use the IsSecurityEnabled method to check if Transaction Server security can be used. IsSecurityEnabled returns FALSE when the object runs in-process. Using IsSecurityEnabled, you could rewrite the role-checking code to disable transactions when objects aren't running in a secured environment.

In-process components share the same level of trust as the base client. Because of this, it isn't recommended that you deploy your secured components to be loaded in-process with their clients.