Line Printer Remote Port Monitor Overview

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The Line Printer Remote (LPR) Port Monitor allows a computer running Windows Server 2008 to print to the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service on a UNIX print server.


You don't need to install the LPR Port Monitor to print to a printer or print server using the LPD protocol, unless the print server is a UNIX print server. To use a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 to print to a printer or print server that uses the LPD protocol, you can use the Network Printer Installation Wizard and a Standard TCP/IP printer port, which is faster than an LPR port.

After installing the LPR Port Monitor, Windows adds the LPR Port type to the Network Printer Installation Wizard. To install a printer on an LPR Port, use the following steps:

Install a printer on an LPR Port

  1. Open Print Management from the Administrative Tools folder.

  2. Right-click the print server to which you want to add the printer, and then click Add Printer. The Network Printer Installation Wizard appears.

  3. Click Create a new port and add a new printer, and then choose LPR Port.

  4. Use the Add LPR compatible printer dialog box to type the IP address or host name of the UNIX print server that is hosting the shared printer, and the name of the print queue.

  5. Click OK, and then follow the instructions in the Network Printer Installation Wizard to choose or install printer drivers and share the printer on the network.