Overview of Server Manager Commands
Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2
Server Manager in Windows Server® 2008 R2 offers a set of Windows PowerShell cmdlets for installing, removing, and querying roles, role services, and features, and a command-line tool, ServerManagerCmd.exe, to enable users to perform automated installations or removals of roles, role services, and features. Both command-line options enable users to view logs of their operations, and run queries to display lists of roles, role services, and features both installed and available for installation on a computer.
ServerManagerCmd.exe can be used with an XML answer file to speed up repetitive automated installations or removals of roles or features. For more information about the answer file that you can use with ServerManagerCmd.exe, see Creating an Answer File for Server Manager Commands.
Servermanagercmd.exe is deprecated, and is not guaranteed to be supported in future releases of Windows. We recommend that you use the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that are available for Server Manager.
Server Manager command-line tools, dism, pkgmgr, and ocsetup
Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Server Manager
The ServerManagerCmd.exe command
Role, role service, and feature command identifiers
Server Manager command-line tools differ from other command-line tools, such as dism, pkgmgr and ocsetup, that are used to install and remove Windows software packages. We recommend that you use Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Server Manager or the ServerManagerCmd.exe command prompt utility for installing or removing roles, role services, and features on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2.
The following list includes ways in which the Server Manager cmdlet set and command prompt utility differ from dism, pkgmgr and ocsetup, and describes advantages of Server Manager command tools for administrators who want to deploy a server as efficiently as possible.
The Server Manager command line is consistent in function and terminology with the deployment and management capabilities of the Server Manager console in the Windows Server 2008 R2 UI.
The type of packages or files in which a role, role service, or feature are contained do not have to be known by users. The Server Manager command line requires only the name of the role, role service, or feature that the administrator wants to install or remove. Administrators do not have to provide any path or file names of role, role service, or feature packages.
Administrators do not have to specify dependencies between roles, role services, and features when they are using the Server Manager command line. The Server Manager command prompt utility automatically installs any other software packages that are required to use the role, role service, or feature specified in the command.
If problems occur with an installation or removal, error handling for ServerManagercmd.exe simplifies troubleshooting and provides clear actions to the user.
The -whatIf parameter of ServerManagercmd.exe lets users verify what actions their commands will perform before they initiate commands and change the system. There is no comparable command parameter included with dism, pkgmgr, and ocsetup.
The Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet and the -query parameter of ServerManagerCmd.exe give users complete views of which roles, role services, and features are available for installation on the computer, and which are currently installed. There is no comparable parameter included with dism, pkgmgr and ocsetup.
Both the input and output of the Server Manager command line is XML based. ServerManagercmd.exe accepts an XML answer file itemizing roles, role services, and features to be installed or removed. Both the results of installation and removal operations, and -query results can be exported to XML files. This enables automation scenarios in which other software can generate and interpret the XML files that are used with the Server Manager command prompt utility.
Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Server Manager accept parameters to install or remove one or more roles, role services, and features that are separated by commas.
The following three cmdlets let you install, remove, or view information about available roles by using Windows PowerShell. For more information about and examples of how to use any of these cmdlets, in a Windows PowerShell session into which the Server Manager module is loaded, enter Get-Helpcmdlet_name-full, in which cmdlet_name represents one of the following values.
Add-WindowsFeature Installs specified roles, role services, and features on the computer. For more information about how to add roles, role services, and features by using this cmdlet, see Adding Server Roles and Features.
Get-WindowsFeature Returns a list of all roles, role services, and features that are available for installation on the computer, and displays by using check boxes ([X]) those that are installed. The Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet also returns a list of the command names that you provide in the Add-WindowsFeature and Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlets when you want to add or remove roles, role services, and features. Results of the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet can be piped into either of the other two Server Manager cmdlets, or into cmdlets that run scans for Best Practices Analyzer, for example.
Remove-WindowsFeature Removes specified roles, role services, and features from the computer. For more information about how to remove roles, role services, and features by using this cmdlet, see Removing Server Roles and Features.
Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Server Manager offer some significant advantages over the ServerManagerCmd.exe command.
After Windows PowerShell and the Server Manager cmdlet set are installed by using dism, Windows PowerShell cmdlets can be run on a computer that is running the Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 R2. Instructions for installing Windows PowerShell and the Server Manager cmdlet set on the Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 R2 are available in Remote Management with Server Manager.
Windows PowerShell tools and cmdlets are available for performing some management tasks after a role, role service, or feature is installed. For more information about roles, role services, and features that can be managed by using Windows PowerShell tools, see Windows PowerShell about_Modules (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=141216).
To run any Server Manager-related Windows PowerShell cmdlets, you must be running Windows PowerShell with elevated user rights. To do this, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click Windows PowerShell, right-click the Windows PowerShell shortcut, and then click Run as administrator.
You must also load the Server Manager module into each new Windows PowerShell session before working with Server Manager cmdlets. To do this, in a Windows PowerShell session opened with elevated user rights, type Import-Module Servermanager, and then press Enter.
For more information about how to start a Windows PowerShell session with all installed modules and snap-ins loaded automatically, see Starting Windows PowerShell with All Modules Loaded.
Add-WindowsFeature [-Name] <string[]> [-IncludeAllSubFeature] [-logPath <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Restart] [-Concurrent] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-WindowsFeature [[-Name] <string[]>] [-logPath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-WindowsFeature [-Name] <string[]> [-logPath <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Restart] [-Concurrent] [<CommonParameters>]
This section describes the parameters for the Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature, and Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlets.
Parameter | Description | ||
-name <string[]> |
Specifies the command IDs of roles, role services, or features that you want to install by using the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet. Or, an array of Feature objects is also accepted. You can find a list of command IDs for all roles, role services, and features in this topic, or by running the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet. |
-IncludeAllSubFeature |
Specifies the installation of all subordinate services and features together with the parent role, role service, or feature that is named in the Name parameter. |
-logPath <string> |
Specifies a name and location for the log file, other than the default, %windir%\logs\ServerManager.log. |
-WhatIf |
Displays any operations that are specified for the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet; for example, displays the Windows features that are also installed because the role, role service, or feature that you want to install depends on them. Adding the -WhatIf parameter to the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet runs the cmdlet without performing actual installation.I It shows only what would be installed and what would be the results of the cmdlet if it had been run. |
-Restart |
Restarts the computer automatically when installation is complete, if restarting is required by the roles or features installed. |
-Concurrent |
Allows concurrent instances of the Server Manager Add-WindowsFeature or Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlets to be running at the same time.
<CommonParameters> |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer and -OutVariable. For more information about common parameters, in your Windows PowerShell session, type, get-help about_commonparameters, and then press Enter. |
Parameter | Description |
-name <string[]> |
Specifies the command IDs of roles, role services, or features for which you want to view information. You can find a list of command IDs for all roles, role services, and features in this topic, or by running the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet without parameters. |
-logPath <string> |
Specifies a name and location for the log file, other than the default, %windir%\logs\ServerManager.log. Add this parameter if you want the results of the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet to be stored in a log. |
<CommonParameters> |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer and -OutVariable. For more information about common parameters, in your Windows PowerShell session, type, get-help about_commonparameters, and then press Enter. |
Parameter | Description |
-name <string[]> |
Specifies the command IDs of roles, role services, or features that you want to remove by using the Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet. Alternatively, an array of Feature objects is also accepted. You can find a list of command IDs for all roles, role services, and features in this topic, or by running the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet. |
-logPath <string> |
Specifies a name and location for the log file, other than the default, %windir%\logs\ServerManager.log. |
-WhatIf |
Displays any operations that are specified for the Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet. Adding the -WhatIf parameter to the Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet runs the cmdlet without performing actual removals. It shows only what would be removed and what would be the cmdlet results if the cmdlet had been run. |
-Restart |
Restarts the computer automatically when removal is complete, if restarting is required. |
-Concurrent |
Allows concurrent instances of the Server Manager Add-WindowsFeature or Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlets to be running at the same time. |
<CommonParameters> |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer and -OutVariable. For more information about common parameters, in your Windows PowerShell session, type, get-help about_commonparameters, and then press Enter. |
The Server Manager command-line installation accepts parameters to install or remove one or more roles, role services, and features that are separated by spaces. When you want to install or remove more than one role, role service, or feature on a server by using a single command instance, you can also use an XML answer file, especially if you want to configure multiple servers identically. For more information about the answer file that you can use with ServerManagerCmd.exe, see Creating an Answer File for Server Manager Commands.
ServerManagerCmd.exe can be run from any directory on the server's local drives. You must be a member of the Administrators group on the server on which you want to install or remove software.
Because of security restrictions imposed by User Account Control in Windows Server 2008 R2, you must run ServerManagerCmd.exe in a Command Prompt window opened with elevated permissions. To do this, right-click the Command Prompt executable, or the Command Prompt object on the Start menu, and then click Run as administrator.
ServerManagerCmd.exe -query [<query.xml>] [-logPath <log.txt>]
ServerManagerCmd.exe -inputPath <answer.xml> [-resultPath <result.xml> [-restart] | -whatIf] [-logPath <log.txt>]
ServerManagerCmd.exe -install <command-Id> [-setting <setting-name>=<setting value>]* [-allSubFeatures] [-resultPath <result.xml> [-restart] | -whatIf] [-logPath <log.txt>]
ServerManagerCmd.exe -remove <command-Id> [-resultPath <result.xml> [-restart] | -whatIf] [-logPath <log.txt>]
ServerManagerCmd.exe [-help | -?]
ServerManagerCmd.exe -version
Parameter | Description | ||
-query [<query.xml>] |
Displays a list of all roles, role services, and features installed and available for installation on the server. You can also use the short form of this parameter, -q. If you want the query results saved to an XML file, specify an XML file to replace query.xml.
-inputPath <answer.xml> |
Installs or removes the roles, role services, and features specified in the answer file, an XML file represented by answer.xml. You can also use the short form of this parameter, -p. For more information about how to create an answer file for use with this parameter, see Creating an Answer File for Server Manager Commands. |
-install <Id> |
Installs the role, role service, or feature specified by Id. See Role, role service, and feature command identifiers in this topic for a complete list of the role, role service, or feature identifiers from which you can choose to specify for Id. The identifiers are case-insensitive. Multiple roles, role services, and features must be separated by spaces. The following optional parameters are used with the -install parameter.
-remove <Id> |
Removes the role, role service, or feature specified by Id. See Role, role service, and feature command identifiers in this topic for a complete list of the role, role service, and feature identifiers from which you can choose to specify for Id. The identifiers are case-insensitive. Multiple roles, role services, and features must be separated by spaces. The following optional parameters are used with the -remove parameter.
-help |
Display Help for ServerManagerCmd.exe in the Command Prompt window. You can also use the short form, -?. |
-version |
Display the Server Manager version number. You can also use the short form, -v. |
ServerManagerCmd.exe does not support configuration or management of roles and features, after those are installed. Role and feature installations completed by using ServerManagerCmd.exe use default settings. To change role or feature settings, perform role administration tasks, or view status or events for roles and features, you should use the Windows GUI–based Server Manager console. You might have to open other management snap-ins for your role, or use role- and feature-specific command-line tools for managing or configuring specific roles, role services, and features.
Although role and feature installations are secure by default, you should use the Server Manager console to change any default settings to comply with security policies in your enterprise. ServerManagerCmd.exe cannot be used to install and configure applications other than Windows Server 2008 R2 roles, role services, and features. ServerManagerCmd.exe is not supported on computers that are running a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2008 R2. ServerManagerCmd.exe cannot be used for installation or removal of roles, role services, and features on remote computers.
The following are examples of how Server Manager commands are used.
The following example shows the ServerManagerCmd.exe syntax for performing a query to determine which roles, role services, and features are installed on a computer, and which are available for installation. In this example, the administrator directs Server Manager to save the results of the query to a file, C:\queryResults.xml.
ServerManagerCmd.exe -query C:\queryResults.xml
The following shows the ServerManagerCmd.exe syntax for installing Web Server (IIS) and all its role services. The administrator exports the results of the installation to an XML file that is named WebServer.xml. The administrator has also instructed Server Manager to restart the computer automatically when installation is complete, if it is required by the role.
ServerManagerCmd.exe -install Web-Server -allSubFeatures -resultPath C:\Admin\WebServer.xml -restart
An administrator is using the following command to repurpose several servers by removing some roles. Commands for the roles to be removed are provided in an answer file that is named RemoveFilePrint.xml. The administrator has added the -whatIf option to the command to display the command operations specified in the removalresults.xml answer file, and show if any software that depends on the items specified for removal in the answer file was also removed.
ServerManagerCmd.exe -inputPath C:\AdminFiles\RemoveFilePrint.xml -resultPath C:\AdminFiles\removalresults.xml -whatIf
The tables in this section match roles, role services, and features that are available in Windows Server 2008 R2 with the command identifiers that you must use with ServerManagerCmd.exe to install or remove them.
Role and role service command identifiers
Feature command identifiers
Active Directory Certificate Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Active Directory Certificate Services |
AD-Certificate |
Certification Authority and Online Certificate Status Protocol can be installed by using the Server Manager command-line interface. Other role services for Active Directory Certificate Services cannot be installed by using the Server Manager command line. |
Certification Authority |
ADCS-Cert-Authority |
Certification Authority Web Enrollment (not installable by using the command line) |
ADCS-Web-Enrollment |
Online Responder |
ADCS-Online-Cert |
Network Device Enrollment Service |
ADCS-Device-Enrollment |
Certificate Enrollment Web Service |
ADCS-Enroll-Web-Svc |
Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service |
ADCS-Enroll-Web-Pol |
| ||
Active Directory Domain Services |
AD-Domain-Services |
After you install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), you must run the dcpromo command.. Removing the AD DS role while the computer is operating as a domain controller fails. You must first remove Active Directory Domain Services from the domain controller. |
Active Directory Domain Controller |
ADDS-Domain-Controller |
Identity Management for UNIX |
ADDS-Identity-Mgmt |
Server for Network Information Service |
Password Synchronization |
ADDS-Password-Sync |
Administration tools for Identity Management for UNIX |
Active Directory Federation Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Active Directory Federation Services |
AD-Federation-Services |
Active Directory Federation Services should be installed with default settings. |
Federation Service |
ADFS-Federation |
Federation Service Proxy |
ADFS-Proxy |
Web Agents |
ADFS-Web-Agents |
Claims-aware Agent |
ADFS-Claims |
Windows Token-based Agent |
ADFS-Windows-Token |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
None |
| ||
Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) |
Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) cannot be installed by using the Server Manager command line. |
Active Directory Rights Management Server |
ADRMS-Server |
Identity Federation Support |
ADRMS-Identity |
Application Server command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Application Server |
Application-Server |
If you install the WS-Atomic Transaction Support role service by using the Server Manager command line, by default, WS-Atomic Transaction Support is configured to use a self-signed certificate. |
Application Server Foundation |
AS-AppServer-Foundation |
Web Server (IIS) Support |
AS-Web-Support |
COM+ Network Access |
AS-Ent-Services |
TCP Port Sharing |
AS-TCP-Port-Sharing |
Windows Process Activation Service Support |
AS-WAS-Support |
HTTP Activation |
AS-HTTP-Activation |
Message Queuing Activation |
AS-MSMQ-Activation |
TCP Activation |
AS-TCP-Activation |
Named Pipes Activation |
AS-Named-Pipes |
Distributed Transaction Support |
AS-Dist-Transaction |
Incoming Remote Transactions |
AS-Incoming-Trans |
Outgoing Remote Transactions |
AS-Outgoing-Trans |
WS-Atomic Transaction Support |
AS-WS-Atomic |
DHCP Server command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
DHCP Server |
The DHCP Server role should be installed with default settings. |
DNS Server command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
DNS Server |
None |
Fax Server command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Fax Server |
Fax |
Fax Server should be installed with default settings. |
| ||
File Services |
File-Services |
You cannot install or remove the File Services container by using the Server Manager command line. You can install or remove the File Services container only by using the Server Manager user interface. Be aware that for this reason, there is no command ID available to represent the File Services container. Because you can configure File Services settings after you install the role, you are not required to specify File Services settings in the Server Manager command-line answer file. |
File Server |
FS-Fileserver |
Distributed File System (DFS) |
DFS Namespace |
FS-DFS-Namespace |
DFS Replication |
FS-DFS-Replication |
File Server Resource Manager |
FS-Resource-Manager |
Services for Network File System |
FS-NFS-Services |
Windows Search Service |
FS-Search-Service |
Windows Server 2003 File Services |
FS-Win2003-Services |
BranchCache for remote files |
FS-BranchCache |
Indexing Service |
FS-Indexing-Service |
Hyper-V™ command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Hyper-V™ |
Hyper-V |
Network Policy and Access Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Network Policy and Access Services |
Because Network Policy and Access Services settings can be configured after you install the role, you are not required to specify Network Policy and Access Services settings in the command-line answer file. |
Network Policy Server |
NPAS-Policy-Server |
NPAS Routing and Remote Access Services |
NPAS-RRAS-Services |
Remote Access Service |
Routing |
NPAS-Routing |
Health Registration Authority |
NPAS-Health |
Host Credential Authorization Protocol |
NPAS-Host-Cred |
| ||
Print and Document Services |
Print-Services |
During removal of this role in the Server Manager UI, you are prompted to delete instances of printers configured on the server. By default, these instances are preserved. This is the default behavior of command-line removal of the Print and Document Services role. |
Print Server |
Print-Server |
Internet Printing |
Print-Internet |
LPD Service |
Print-LPD-Service |
Distributed Scan Server |
Print-Scan-Server |
Remote Desktop Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Remote Desktop Services |
Remote-Desktop-Services |
Because Remote Desktop Services settings can be configured after you install the role, you are not required to specify Remote Desktop Services settings in the command-line answer file. |
Remote Desktop Server |
RDS-RD-Server |
RD Licensing |
RDS-Licensing |
RD Gateway |
RDS-Gateway |
RAD Web Access |
RDS-Web-Access |
RD Connection Broker |
RDS-Connection-Broker |
RD Virtualization |
RDS-Virtualization |
Web Server (IIS) command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Web Server (IIS) |
Web-Server |
None |
Internet Information Services (Web Server) |
Web-WebServer |
Common HTTP Features |
Web-Common-Http |
Static Content |
Web-Static-Content |
Default Document |
Web-Default-Doc |
Directory Browsing |
Web-Dir-Browsing |
HTTP Errors |
Web-Http-Errors |
HTTP Redirection |
Web-Http-Redirect |
WebDAV Publishing |
Web-DAV-Publishing |
Application Development |
Web-App-Dev |
Web-Asp-Net |
.NET Extensibility |
Web-Net-Ext |
Web-ASP |
Web-CGI |
ISAPI Extensions |
Web-ISAPI-Ext |
ISAPI Filters |
Web-ISAPI-Filter |
Server Side Includes |
Web-Includes |
Health and Diagnostics |
Web-Health |
HTTP Logging |
Web-Http-Logging |
Logging Tools |
Web-Log-Libraries |
Request Monitor |
Web-Request-Monitor |
Tracing |
Web-Http-Tracing |
Custom Logging |
Web-Custom-Logging |
ODBC Logging |
Web-ODBC-Logging |
Security |
Web-Security |
Basic Authentication |
Web-Basic-Auth |
Windows Authentication |
Web-Windows-Auth |
Digest Authentication |
Web-Digest-Auth |
Client Certificate Mapping Authentication |
Web-Client-Auth |
IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication |
Web-Cert-Auth |
URL Authorization |
Web-Url-Auth |
Request Filtering |
Web-Filtering |
IP and Domain Restrictions |
Web-IP-Security |
Performance |
Web-Performance |
Static Content Compression |
Web-Stat-Compression |
Dynamic Content Compression |
Web-Dyn-Compression |
Management Tools |
Web-Mgmt-Tools |
IIS Management Console |
Web-Mgmt-Console |
IIS Management Scripts and Tools |
Web-Scripting-Tools |
Management Service |
Web-Mgmt-Service |
IIS 6 Management Compatibility |
Web-Mgmt-Compat |
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility |
Web-Metabase |
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility |
Web-WMI |
IIS 6 Scripting Tools |
Web-Lgcy-Scripting |
IIS 6 Management Console |
Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console |
FTP Server |
Web-Ftp-Server |
FTP Service |
Web-Ftp-Service |
FTP Extensibility |
Web-Ftp-Ext |
Windows Deployment Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Windows Deployment Services |
None |
Deployment Server |
WDS-Deployment |
Transport Server |
WDS-Transport |
Windows Server Update Services command identifiers | Command value | Notes |
Windows Server Update Services |
Features | Command Value | Notes |
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) |
BitLocker Drive Encryption |
BitLocker |
Windows BranchCache |
BranchCache |
Connection Manager Administration Kit |
Desktop Experience |
Desktop-Experience |
Direct Access Management Console |
Failover Clustering |
Failover-Clustering |
Group Policy Management |
Ink and Handwriting Services |
Ink-Handwriting |
IH-Ink-Support |
IH-Handwriting |
Internet Printing Client |
Internet-Print-Client |
Internet Storage Naming Server |
LPR Port Monitor |
LPR-Port-Monitor |
Message Queuing |
MSMQ-Services |
MSMQ-Server |
MSMQ-Directory |
MSMQ-Triggers |
MSMQ-HTTP-Support |
MSMQ-Multicasting |
MSMQ-Routing |
Multipath I/O |
Multipath-IO |
Network Load Balancing |
.NET Framework 3.5.1 Features |
NET-Framework |
Be aware that the command-line syntax for the .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features does not contain the "." character before NET. |
NET-Framework-Core |
NET-HTTP-Activation |
NET-Non-HTTP-Activ |
Peer Name Resolution Protocol |
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience |
Qwave |
Remote Assistance |
Remote-Assistance |
Remote Differential Compression |
Remote Server Administration Tools |
RSAT-Role-Tools |
RSAT-Online-Responder |
RSAT-AD-Tools |
RSAT-AD-AdminCenter |
RSAT-AD-PowerShell |
| ||
| ||
| ||
RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con |
RSAT-NFS-Admin |
| ||
RSAT-Print-Services |
RSAT-RDS-RemoteApp |
RSAT-RDS-Gateway |
RSAT-RDS-Licensing |
RSAT-TS-Session-Broker |
| ||
Remote Server Administration Tools feature administration tools |
RSAT-Feature-Tools |
RSAT-BitLocker |
RSAT-Bitlocker-DriveEnc |
RSAT-Bitlocker-RecPwd |
RSAT-BITS-Server |
RSAT-Clustering |
RPC over HTTP Proxy |
RPC-over-HTTP-Proxy |
Simple TCP/IP Services |
Simple-TCPIP |
SMTP Server |
SMTP-Server |
SNMP Services |
SNMP-Services |
SNMP-Service |
SNMP-WMI-Provider |
Storage Manager for SANs |
Storage-Mgr-SANS |
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications |
Subsystem-UNIX-Apps |
Telnet Client |
Telnet-Client |
Telnet Server |
Telnet-Server |
TFTP Client |
TFTP-Client |
Windows Biometric Framework |
Biometric-Framework |
Windows Internal Database |
Windows-Internal-DB |
Windows PowerShell ISE |
PowerShell-ISE |
Windows Process Activation Service |
WAS-Process-Model |
WAS-NET-Environment |
WAS-Config-APIs |
Windows Server Backup Features |
Backup-Features |
Backup |
Backup-Tools |
Backup-Cmdlets |
Windows Server Migration Tools |
Migration |
Windows System Resource Manager |
Windows TIFF iFilter |
TIFF-iFilter |
WinRM IIS Extension |
WinRM-IIS-Ext |
WINS Server |
WINS-Server |
Wireless LAN Service |
Wireless-Networking |
XPS Viewer |
XPS-Viewer |
Interpreting Output from Server Manager Commands Adding Server Roles and Features Removing Server Roles and Features