Configuring Native Modules (IIS 7)
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista
Modules process parts of a request to provide a desired service, such as authentication or compression. This process is similar to the manner that Internet Server API (ISAPI) filters work. Typically, modules do not generate responses to clients; instead, handlers perform this action because they are better suited for processing specific requests for specific resources. For more information about how to configure handlers, see Configuring Handler Mappings in IIS 7.
Native modules are loaded when a Web server worker process is initialized. These modules can provide services—for example, authentication or compression—for a site or an application.
For security reasons, native modules are registered or unregistered only at the Web server level by the server administrator. However, you can enable or remove registered native modules at the site or application level.
For information about the levels at which you can perform these procedures, and the modules, handlers, and permissions that are required to perform these procedures, see Native Modules Feature Requirements (IIS 7).
This task includes the following procedures:
Register and Enable a Native Module on a Web server (IIS 7)
Edit Registration for a Native Module (IIS 7)
Remove Registration for a Native Module on a Web Server (IIS 7)
Enable a Registered Native Module for a Site or an Application (IIS 7)
Remove a Registered Native Module from a Site or an Application (IIS 7)