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Chapter 5 - System Requirements for MS Office

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See Also
MS Office Products for Windows
MS Office Products for the Macintosh

This chapter describes system requirements for the various Microsoft Office 97 packages for Windows and for Office 98 for the Macintosh. Note that these system requirements apply to stand-alone desktop installations. If you install Office over a network, you can substantially customize your Office installation. For example, you can install Office so that shared components, such as clip art and online Help, are stored on network servers, reducing hard disk space requirements on each workstation.

See Also

  • For information about network installation options, see Chapter 4, "Installing Microsoft Office." 

  • For information about customizing your Office configuration, see Chapter 6, "Customizing Client Installations." 

MS Office Products for Windows

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This section describes Office 97 packages for Windows.

Tip For the latest information about system requirements and late-breaking news about installing Office, see the Office Readme file, Ofread8.txt. This file is copied from the Office CD to your Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office folder when you install Office.

MS Office 97 Standard Edition

Microsoft Office 97 Standard Edition includes four full-featured programs:

  • Microsoft Word 97 

  • Microsoft Excel 97 

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97 

  • Microsoft Outlook 97 

System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office Standard Edition, you need:

  • A personal computer with a 486 or higher processor. 

    One of the following operating systems:

    • Microsoft Windows 95. 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.51 or later with Service Pack 5. (Office 97 does not run on earlier versions of Windows.) 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 or later with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later. 

  • Sufficient memory, as described in the following table. (More memory is required to run additional programs simultaneously.)

    To run this Office program

    You need this much memory

    Any single Office application on Windows 95 

    8 MB 

    Any single Office application on Windows NT Workstation 

    16 MB 

  • Sufficient hard disk space, as described in the following table.

    This Setup installation type

    Requires this amount of hard disk space


    102 MB 


    67 MB (minimum) to 167 MB (maximum) 

    Run from CD 

    51 MB 

    Note The minimum installation size is derived by installing only the Office programs and the spelling checker. 

  • One CD-ROM drive. (A coupon for 3.5-inch disks is included in the Office package. However, the disk version of Office does not contain all of the components of the CD-ROM version of Office, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and clip art.) 

  • VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256 color or higher recommended). 

  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. 

Any or all of the following, though not required, can be used with Office for Windows:

  • Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows, Microsoft Exchange Client, Internet SMTP/POP3, or other MAPI-compliant messaging software for e-mail. 

  • Microsoft Exchange Server for some advanced workgroup functionality in Outlook. 

  • 9600-baud or higher modem (14,400-baud or higher modem recommended). 

  • Audio board with headphones or speakers. 

Note Some Internet functionality may require Internet access and payment of a separate fee to an Internet service provider.

MS Office 97 Professional Edition

Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition includes all the programs in the Standard Edition plus Microsoft Access 97.

System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition, you need:

  • A personal computer with a 486 or higher processor. 

    One of the following operating systems:

    • Microsoft Windows 95. 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 or later with Service Pack 5. (Office 97 does not run on earlier versions of Windows.) 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later. 

  • Sufficient memory, as described in the following table. (More memory is required to run additional programs simultaneously.)

    To run this Office program

    You need this much memory

    Any single Office application on Windows 95 

    8 MB (12 MB to run Access) 

    Any single Office application on Windows NT Workstation 

    16 MB 

  • Sufficient hard disk space, as described in the following table.

    This Setup installation type

    Requires this amount of hard disk space


    121 MB 


    73 MB (minimum) to 191 MB (maximum) 

    Run from CD 

    61 MB 

Note The minimum installation size is derived by installing only the Office programs and the spelling checker.

  • One CD-ROM drive. (A coupon for 3.5-inch disks is included in the Office package. However, the disk version of Office does not contain all of the components of the CD-ROM version of Office, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and clip art.) 

  • VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256 color recommended). 

  • Mouse or compatible pointing device. 

Any or all of the following, though not required, can be used with Office for Windows 95:

  • Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows, Exchange Client, Internet SMTP/POP3, or other MAPI-compliant messaging software for e-mail. 

  • Exchange Server for some advanced workgroup functionality in Outlook. 

  • 9600-baud or higher modem (14,400-baud or higher modem recommended). 

  • Audio board with headphones or speakers. 

Note Some Internet functionality may require Internet access and payment of a separate fee to an Internet service provider.

MS Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics

Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf® Basics includes everything in the Professional Edition (five programs) plus the following titles from the Microsoft Bookshelf 97 CD-ROM reference library:

  • The American Heritage Dictionary 

  • Roget's Thesaurus 

  • The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations 

  • More About Bookshelf, which describes additional reference sources available in the full Bookshelf product. 

For more information about Office integration with Bookshelf Basics, see "Using Microsoft Bookshelf in a Workgroup" in Chapter 27, "Sharing Information with Microsoft Office Applications."

System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics, you need:

MS Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics and MS IntelliMouse

Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics and Microsoft IntelliMouse includes everything in the Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics, plus the new IntelliMouse.

IntelliMouse puts the power to zoom and scroll at your fingertips with an innovative wheel, so you get more done with less effort. The Office 97 programs include unique support for IntelliMouse. Using the IntelliMouse wheel, you can scroll through screens of information and zoom in to view your data while you work — instead of hunting for scrollbars, buttons, and menus on the screen.

System Requirements

The system requirements for this package are the same as those for Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics.

MS Office 97 Small Business Edition

Microsoft Office 97 Small Business Edition combines six full-featured Office programs designed to meet the unique needs of a small business. Microsoft Office 97 Small Business Edition includes:

  • Microsoft Word 97 

  • Microsoft Excel 97 

  • Microsoft Outlook 97 

  • Microsoft Publisher 97 

  • Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager 97 

  • Microsoft Automap® Streets Plus 

System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office 97 Small Business Edition, you need:

  • A personal computer with a 486 or higher processor. 

    One of the following operating systems:

    • Microsoft Windows 95. 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 or later with Service Pack 5. (Office 97 does not run on earlier versions of Windows.) Automap Streets Plus requires either Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0. 

      – or – 

    • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later; Automap Streets Plus requires either Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0. 

  • Sufficient memory, as described in the following table. (More memory is required to run additional programs simultaneously.)

    To run this Office program

    You need this much memory

    Any single Office application on Windows 95 

    8 MB 

    Any single Office application on Windows NT Workstation 

    16 MB 

  • Approximately 196 MB of hard disk space for a Typical installation, depending on your system configuration. The Typical installation includes 25 MB of preview files for clip art that can be run from the CD-ROM. In addition, Publisher 97 includes 60 MB of clip art that can be run from the CD-ROM and 50 MB of additional tools that can be loaded onto your hard disk. 

  • One CD-ROM drive; Automap Streets Plus requires a double-speed or faster CD-ROM drive. 

  • VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256 color recommended); Automap Streets Plus requires a Super VGA, 256-color video adapter. 

  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. 

World Wide Web For more information about Microsoft Office 97 Small Business Edition and other resources for the small business, connect to the Small Business Resource page at: 

MS Office 97 Developer Edition

Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition includes the tools you need for building and distributing solutions with Office 97. This edition includes all the programs and Bookshelf titles in the Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics, plus the following:

  • Royalty-free Microsoft Access run time. 

  • Access and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe™ integration tools. (Visual SourceSafe is not included but may be purchased separately.) 

  • Replication Manager. 

  • Setup Wizard. 

  • Microsoft ActiveX controls. 

  • Printed developer documentation and information. 

System Requirements

The system requirements for this package are the same as those for Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition with Bookshelf Basics, except for hard disk space. Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition requires 92 to 210 MB of hard drive space; approximately 140 MB is required for a Typical installation, depending on your system configuration.

World Wide Web For more information about Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition, connect to the Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition page at: 

MS Office Products for the Macintosh

Cc749816.spacer(en-us,TechNet.10).gif Cc749816.spacer(en-us,TechNet.10).gif

This section describes Microsoft Office 98 for the Macintosh products.

Tip For the latest information about system requirements and late-breaking news about installing Office, see the Office Readme files. These files are copied from the Office CD to your Microsoft Office 98:Readme folder when you install Office.

MS Office 98 Macintosh Edition

Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition includes four full-featured programs:

  • Microsoft Word 98 

  • Microsoft Excel 98 

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 

  • Microsoft Outlook Express 4.0 for the Macintosh, an e-mail client 

System Requirements

To use Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition, you need:

  • A Mac OS-compatible computer equipped with a PowerPC processor. 

  • System 7.5 operating system or later. 

  • At least 16 MB of physical RAM to run one application, 32 MB recommended to run multiple applications. 

  • Sufficient hard disk space, as described in the following table.

    This installation method

    Requires this amount of hard disk space

    Drag and drop or Easy 

    90 MB 


    43 MB (minimum) to 110 MB (maximum) 

    Run from CD or Run from network 

    7 MB on the client hard disk 

  • One CD-ROM drive. 

  • An 8-bit color or 4-bit grayscale display with at least 640 x 400 resolution. 

MS Office 98 Macintosh Gold Edition

Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Gold Edition includes everything in the Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition (four programs), plus the following additional programs:

  • Microsoft FrontPage 1.0 for the Macintosh, a client-server Web authoring and management tool. 

  • Microsoft Bookshelf 98 for the Macintosh reference library. 

  • Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia for the Macintosh Deluxe Edition. 

Note Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Gold Edition is available as a retail product only; Microsoft does not sell a site license or multiple license packs for Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Gold Edition.

System Requirements

Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Gold Edition has the same system requirements as Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition, plus the additional requirements for the following programs:

  • Microsoft FrontPage 1.0 for the Macintosh requires 16 MB of RAM with virtual memory turned on (24 MB recommended) and 30 MB of hard disk space. 

  • Microsoft Bookshelf 98 for the Macintosh requires 10 MB of hard disk space. 

  • Microsoft Encarta 98 for the Macintosh requires 16 MB of hard disk space. 
