
Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.


access control list (ACL)   Contains a list of userids or groups and their security permissions. Identifies who can update, modify, or delete an object on a computer or resource on the network.

access file   The list of users who have permission to use a Web server (UNIX only).

active memory   An area of cached memory that stores Web pages and allows for quicker save and recalculation processes.

Active Server Pages (ASP pages)   Technology that allows Web developers to combine scripts and HTML code to create dynamic Web content and Web-based applications.

administrative rights   Highest level of permissions that can be granted to an account in Windows NT User Manager. An administrator can set permissions for other users and create groups and accounts within the domain. Required to install the System Files Update.

Anonymous authentication   Authentication method that provides access to users who do not have user accounts on the server computer.

Anonymous user access   The ability to gain access to a Web server on which one does not have an account. Usually, anonymous users have more restricted access rights than users with accounts.


Basic authentication   Authentication protocol supported by most Web servers and browsers. Transmits the user name and password in clear text.


cache   A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access.

Certificate authentication   Also known as Secure Sockets Layer. Authentication method that provides security for TCP/IP connections.

CGI   Common Gateway Interface. A standard method of extending Web server functionality by executing programs or scripts on a Web server in response to Web browser requests, such as in form processing. Use of CGI can make a Web page more dynamic.

character set   A grouping of alphabetic, numeric, and other characters that have some relationship in common. For example, the standard ASCII character set includes letters, numbers, symbols, and control codes that make up the ASCII coding scheme. See also code page.

chmod   A UNIX command meaning "change module."

chown   A UNIX command meaning "change ownership."

clear text   Unencrypted, non-machine dependent, ASCII text in readable form.

code page   Ordered set of characters in which a numeric index (code point) is associated with each character of a particular writing system. There are separate code pages for different writing systems, such as Western European and Cyrillic.

code point   Numeric value in Unicode encoding or in a code page; corresponds to a character. In the Western European code page, 132 is the code point for the letter ; however, in another code page, the code point 132 might correspond to a different character.

collaboration database   A SQL-based database that stores information about the dynamic content from a Web site based on Microsoft's SharePoint Team Services, such as document libraries, link bars, and lists.

configuration property   Also known as configuration variable, a property that allows an administrator to control SharePoint Team Services settings.

cron   A UNIX utility used to schedule jobs on a server.


Digest Access authentication   Authentication method that transmits user names and passwords in a secure format.

discussion server   A computer that stores discussion text and information about the location of the file being discussed.

discussion thread   In an online forum such as a newsgroup, a series of messages or articles in which replies to a message are nested directly under it, instead of the messages being arranged in chronological or alphabetical order.

Document libraries   A folder where a collection of files is stored and the files often use the same template. Each file in a library is associated with user-defined information that is displayed in the content listing for that library.


encryption   Method used to scramble the content of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key.

encryption, 128-bit   High level of encryption. Uses a 128-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key.

encryption, 40-bit   Low level of encryption. Uses a 40-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key.

extend   To use the install operation to apply server extensions to a server or virtual server

extranet   An external Web site for an organization; usually secured so that only authorized users can gain access to it.


file allocation table (FAT)   Common file format of file cataloging for DOS and Windows operating systems; physical method of storing and accessing files from a hard disk. The FAT contains a list of all files on the physical or logical drive.

File Folder Tree   A folder tree structure where crash-reporting data from DW.exe is reported. Used as an intermediate storage area so that administrators can review the data before it is submitted to Microsoft.

firewall   A security system that uses a proxy server outside of an organization's network to protect the network against external threats, such as from hackers or corrupt files.

FrontPage Server Extensions   A set of programs and scripts that support authoring in Microsoft FrontPage and extend the functionality of a Web server.

FrontPage-patched Apache Web server   The version of Apache Web server used by FrontPage Server Extensions. The patch is available as part of the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions download for UNIX.

FTP   File Transfer Protocol. Protocol used to gain remote access to a Web server.

full-text search index   An index that allows Web site users to perform a full-text search on a Web site. On the Windows platform, full-text search is provided by Index Server. On UNIX, it is provided by Wide Area Information Server (WAIS).


home page   Main page of a Web site. Usually has hyperlinks to other pages, both within and outside the site. One Web site can contain many home pages. For example, the Microsoft home page contains a Products home page, which contains other home pages.

host   The main computer in a system of computers connected by communications links.

hyperlink   Colored and underlined text or a graphic that you click to go to a file, a location in a file, an HTML page on the World Wide Web, or an HTML page on an intranet. Hyperlinks can also go to newsgroups and to Gopher, Telnet, and FTP sites.


image file cache   An area of cached memory that stores data about images in a Web site. In SharePoint Team Services, the image file cache stores HEIGHT and WIDTH property information about the images on a Web page.

include file cache   In FrontPage, you can use the Include Page component to insert other pages into the current page. This area of cached memory stores data about these included files.

in-memory document cache   Same as active memory.

Integrated Windows authentication   Also known as Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication. Authentication method that encrypts user names and passwords in a multiple transaction interaction between client and server.

Internet   The World Wide Web.

Internet Services Manager   An administration tool included with Windows 2000 used for administering Internet Information Services.

intranet   An internal Web site for an organization.

ISAPI   Internet Server Application Programming Interface. A Web server application-development interface, developed by Process Software and Microsoft, that can be used in place of CGI.


JavaScript   A cross-platform, World Wide Web scripting language. JavaScript code is inserted directly into an HTML page. JavaScript makes it possible to build Java programs.


list (interactive list)   A Web site component that stores and displays information that users can add to by using their browsers. Requires a Web server that is running SharePoint Team Services.

local administrators group   The group of users who have permission to perform administrative tasks on the local server computer. The permissions for this group are set by using the administration tools for the operating system.

locale ID (LCID)   A 32-bit value defined by Windows that consists of a language ID, sort ID, and reserved bits. Identifies a particular language. For example, the LCID for English is 1033 and the LCID for Japanese is 1041.


Microsoft Management Console (MMC)   In Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, a utility designed to manage servers and services through a common user interface. MMC snap-ins include FrontPage Server Extensions, Internet Information Server (IIS), and SQL Server.

MSDE   Microsoft Data Engine (also known as Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine). A data store based on Microsoft SQL Server technology, but designed and optimized for use on smaller computer systems, such as a single user computer or a small workgroup server.

multihosting   The ability of a Web server to support more than one Internet address and more than one home page. Also called multihoming.


network domain name   A group of users in a network who share a common set of shared resources, such as server disk drives and printers. A large network may have several domains based upon the needs of each set of users.

NTFS file system (NTFS)   Designed exclusively for use with the Windows NT operating system. NTFS allows for stronger security and more flexible file management methods than does FAT. See also file allocation table (FAT).


quiet installation   Also known as unattended installation. An installation run by using the /q command-line option that runs without generating any user prompts.


recalculate web   A feature in SharePoint Team Services and FrontPage Server Extensions that checks a Web site's hyperlinks to see if they are valid. This feature also performs other tasks such as deleting unused themes and updating component information on the server.

remote host   A Web server on a separate server computer. A remote host is connected to other servers by way of a network connection.

right   File and folder-level permissions that allow access to a Web site.

role   A named group of user rights. Users are assigned to roles when they are added to a Web site based upon SharePoint Team Services.

root web   The default, top-level Web provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the root web, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subweb.


scripting language   A programming language designed specifically for Web site programming. Examples include JavaScript and VBScript.

Secure Sockets Layer   A proposed open standard that was developed by Netscape Communications for establishing a secure communications channel to prevent the interception of critical information, such as credit card numbers.

server health   A set of tests that you can run to help ensure the integrity of your Web site system files and security settings. You can also make sure that the information in the database of a SharePoint team Web site is current with your Web site files.

Setupse.exe   SharePoint Team Services Setup program.

SMTP mail server   An e-mail server that uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is available with Windows NT Server 4.0 and Windows 2000 Server.

SQL Server   A network or Web server that uses the standardized query language protocol for requesting information from a database. More commonly, a computer with an installed configuration of Microsoft SQL Server with a configured database.

subscription   A feature that notifies a user by e-mail when there is a change to a file or a folder on the Web site. For example, a user who subscribes to a document library receives an e-mail message when someone adds or removes a library file.

subweb   A named subdirectory of the root web that is a complete FrontPage-based Web site. Each subweb can have independent administration, authoring, and browsing permissions from the root web and other subwebs.

survey   A Web site component that enables users to respond to a set of questions specified by the creator of the survey. Results are tallied in a graphical summary. Requires a Web server that is running SharePoint Team Services.


Telnet   Method used to gain remote access to a UNIX Web server.


URL   Uniform Resource Locator. An address that specifies a protocol (such as HTTP or FTP) and a location of an object, document, World Wide Web page, or other destination on the Internet or an intranet. Example:

usage analysis   Data collected to evaluate how a Web site is being used, such as visitor user names, number of visits to each page, and the types of Web browsers used.

user locale   Setting that determines formats and sort orders for date, time, currency, and so on. Also known as regional settings.


VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition)   A subset of the Visual Basic for Applications programming language optimized for Web-related programming. As with JavaScript, code for VBScript is embedded in HTML documents.

vCard   The Internet standard for creating and sharing virtual business cards.

virtual server   A virtual computer that resides on an HTTP server but appears to the user as a separate HTTP server. Several virtual servers can reside on one computer, each capable of running its own programs and each with individualized access to input and peripheral devices. Each virtual server has its own domain name and IP address and appears to the user as an individual Web site or FTP site.


Web address (or "address")   The path to an object, document, file, page, or other destination. An address can be a URL (Web address) or a UNC path (network address), and can include a specific location within a file, such as a Word bookmark or an Excel cell range.

Web discussion   Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents. Known in administrative tasks as "Web document discussion" to differentiate from discussion boards. Requires a Web server that is running SharePoint Team Services.

Web server   A computer that hosts Web pages and responds to requests from browsers. Also known as an HTTP server, a Web server stores files whose URLs begin with https://.