Running the IIS 6.0 Migration Tool

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1

The IIS 6.0 Migration tool is a command-line utility that is designed to run on the target server.

Before you run the IIS 6.0 Migration tool, you should test the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) connection. For information about testing RPC connections, see Rpcping.exe: RPC Ping.

To run the migration tool, type iismt at the command prompt, and provide the parameters, as listed in Table 2, that are appropriate to the Web sites and applications that you are migrating. For more information about each of the parameters and on how to perform the migration with the IIS 6.0 Migration Tool, see the "IIS 6.0 Migration Tool User Guide" in the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools.

The IIS 6.0 Migration Tool uses the following syntax:

iismt.exe Server Website[/user Username] [/password Password] [/path path] [/serverbindings ServerBindings String] [/siteid SiteID |Replace][/configonly][/fpse][/verbose][/overwrite][/noninteractive]

Table 6.2 lists all the command-line parameters that the migration tool accepts, although not all of the parameters listed are required.

Table 6.2 Command-Line Parameters Accepted by the IIS 6.0 Migration Tool

Parameter Required or Optional Description



Identifies the source server by providing the following:

  • DNS or NetBIOS name for the source server

  • IP address of the source server



Identifies the site to be migrated by providing the following:

  • Web site description, such as "Default Web Site"

  • Metabase key path, such as W3SVC/1

/user UserName


Specifies the user name of an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the source server. This parameter is not necessary if you log on with an account that is a member of the Administrators group on both the source server and the target server.

/password Password


Specifies the password that is associated with the user name.

/path Path


Specifies a different directory location for the home directory of the Web site on the target server. This parameter is ignored if /configonly is included.

/serverbindings ServerBindingsString


Allows a change to the IP address, host header, or port configuration of the Web site during the migration.

/siteid SiteID| Replace


Specifies the site ID on the target server, which can be specified as one of the following:

  • SiteID - Overwrites the site ID on the target server.

  • Replace - Overwrites the site ID on the target server with the site ID from the source server.



Migrates only the Web site configuration and not the Web site content.



Reapplies FrontPage Server Extensions to the migrated site on the target server. This parameter is ignored if /configonly is included.



Displays metabase path copy and file copy operations to the screen during the migration process.



Does not display messages that prompt the user to confirm the overwriting of an existing destination folder or file when content is being copied from the source server to the target server.



Does not display messages that prompt the user for input. The migration tool will exit on the first error condition. This is a useful switch for invoking the migration tool from a batch file or script program to perform an unattended migration.