Configuring DHCP Option Parameters

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

When a DHCP server actively provides option parameters, clients receive and use the associated values in their local TCP/IP configurations for the period of leased configuration.

By default, Microsoft-based DHCP clients can recognize and use two categories of option parameters: information options and protocol options.

Information Options

Use the MMC DHCP snap-in to explicitly configure information options and any associated values provided to clients. These options are not required and can be assigned at your discretion. Use information options to assign values, such as DNS servers, WINS servers, and domain name.

Windows Server 2003 Protocol Options

You implicitly configure values for protocol options based on properties configured at either the applicable server or one of its scopes. These options are always included in DHCP client/server messages, as they are a required part of protocol design. For example, Lease Duration/Time is a protocol option.

In most cases, the actual values included in these protocol options are provided to clients based on property settings for the applicable DHCP server. Depending on the needs of your clients, you can also use the DHCP snap-in to configure these options individually for defined scopes, identifying members of a specified user or vendor class, or for a single reserved client.