Release Notes for Windows Vista Service Pack 1
These release notes address late-breaking issues related to Windows Vista® Service Pack 1 (SP1), along with instructions for working around them. Unless otherwise specified, these notes apply to all editions of the Windows Vista operating system with SP1.
For an overview of significant changes and improvements in SP1, see
For a list of the hotfixes and security updates included in SP1, see
- If you install Windows Vista and then install SP1 without first activating Windows Vista, you might not be able to uninstall the service pack.
Either activate Windows Vista before you install SP1 or activate SP1 before you attempt to uninstall the service pack.
The telephone numbers for French Guiana in the product activation user interface are incorrect.
The correct telephone numbers are:
- Toll-free: (0) (800) 779-809
- Toll: (33) (1) 5517-4075
This issue affects Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate.
When you install Windows Vista SP1, the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) is removed from the computer. It is being replaced by an updated downloadable version, which will be available later at
To continue managing Group Policy from a client computer, do either one of the following:
- Maintain a computer running Windows Vista for managing Group Policy.
- Remotely connect to a computer running the GPMC.
If you must run the GPMC from a computer running Windows Vista, do not install this release of Windows Vista SP1.
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