specifies the administrator password of the computer and whether it is hidden in the unattended installation answer file.
To configure a blank administrator password for Windows Vista®, write an empty string in Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM), by right-clicking the Value setting and selecting Write Empty String. The built-in administrator account will be enabled with a blank password.
Creating a blank administrator password is a security risk.
By default, the built-in administrator account is disabled in all default clean installations.
You can enable the built-in administrator account during unattended installations, by setting the AutoLogon/Username to Administrator. This enables the built-in administrator account, even if a password is not specified in the AdministratorPassword
If no values are set for the administrator password and Username is not set to Administrator, the administrator account is disabled.
For Windows Server® 2008, the built-in Administrator must have a password and that password must be changed at first logon. This will prevent the built-in Administrator account from having a blank password by default.
Both Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | Autologon and Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword sections are now needed for autologon in audit mode to work. Both of these settings should be added to the auditSystem pass.
Note For Windows Server 2008, if you run sysprep/generalize, the built-in administrator account can no longer access any Encrypting File System (EFS)-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
Specifies whether the |
Specifies the |
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword
For the list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup.
The following XML output shows how to set UserAccounts.