Add or Edit Managed Module Dialog Box

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

Use the Add Managed Module and Edit Managed Module dialog boxes to add or edit managed modules that process requests made to the Web server. IIS includes several managed modules to process parts of requests, such as the FormsAuthentication module that performs authentication for users in applications that use Forms authentication.

UI Element List

Element Name Description


Type a friendly name for the managed module.


Select or type the managed type for the module, such as System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.

When you add a managed module, make sure that the assembly to which the class belongs is registered in the system.web/compilation section of your Web.config file. Otherwise you must type the assembly qualified class name of the managed module. If the class is defined in the App_Code or bin directory you can specify just the class name.

Invoke only for requests to ASP.NET applications or managed handlers

Select this check box if you want the managed module to process only requests made to ASP.NET applications or managed handlers. When you select this option, the module will not be invoked for requests to other types of content, such as HTML files.

See Also

Other Resources

Configuring Modules in IIS 7 (online)