Identifying ADAM Install Errors

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

The ADAM Setup Wizard reports errors directly to the user through messages that the wizard displays. When Adaminstall.exe is run in unattended mode, no error messages are displayed. Instead, error information is written to the registry at the following location:


The registry keys in the following table are written if the install (or uninstall) should fail for any reason.

Key Contents


The numeric error code that caused the installer to fail.


A message that is associated with the install error code.


Messages that are associated with the install warnings.


The numeric error code that caused the uninstall operation to fail.


A message that is associated with the uninstall error code.


Messages that are associated with the uninstall warnings.

These registry keys are not unique to a particular installation of ADAM on a given computer. Each time an ADAM instance is installed, these keys are deleted. Your application installation program should check for the presence of the ADAMInstallErrorCode or ADAMUninstallErrorCode keys to see if the ADAM install (or uninstall) was successful.