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Managing Configuration Sets

Applies To: Windows Server 2003 R2

In the following exercises, you create new ADAM instances by replicating your existing ADAM instance. By doing so, you also create an ADAM configuration set. ADAM instances in a configuration set replicate a common schema partition and configuration partition, and they can also replicate application directory partitions (such as O=Microsoft,C=US) to each other.

In the following exercises, you install two replica ADAM instances. You create the first replica instance by using the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard. You create the second replica instance by using unattended installation. You then configure the replication schedule for your configuration set.


In a production environment, ADAM instances belonging to the same configuration set cannot reside on the same computer. You can have multiple ADAM instances running on a computer, but they must belong to different configuration sets. However, for the purposes of this guide, if you do not have a second computer available, you can install your replica ADAM instances on your first computer.

Installing a Replica Using the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard

You can install an ADAM replica instance by using the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard.

To install an ADAM instance replica by using the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard

  1. Start the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard, either on your second computer (if you have one) or on your first computer: click Start, click All Programs, point to ADAM, and then click Create an ADAM instance. Follow the steps in the wizard until you reach the Setup Options page.

  2. On the Setup Options page, click A replica of an existing instance, and then click Next.

  3. On the Instance Name page, accept the default name instance2 (or instance1, if you are installing ADAM on a second computer), and then click Next.


    ADAM instance names need to be unique only on a given computer.

  4. On the Ports page, accept the default values of 50000 and 50001 (if you are installing onto the first computer) or 389 and 636 (if you are installing onto a second computer), and then click Next.

  5. On the Joining a Configuration Set page, in Server, type the host name or DNS name of the computer where the first ADAM instance is installed. Then, type the LDAP port number in use by the first ADAM instance (which is 389 by default), and then click Next.


    You must use a valid host name or DNS name, rather than an IP address or localhost when specifying a server on the Joining a Configuration Set page of the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard.

  6. On the Administrative Credentials for the Configuration Set page, click the account that is used as the ADAM administrator for your first ADAM instance.

  7. On the Copy Application Partition page, select the application directory partitions that you want to replicate to the new ADAM instance. (The schema and configuration partitions will be replicated automatically.) To select the O=Microsoft,C=US directory partition for replication, in Available partitions, click O=Microsoft,C=US, and then click Add. The Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard looks like the following:

    ADAM Setup Wizard Copy Application Partition

  8. Click Next.

  9. Accept the default values on the remaining Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard pages by clicking Next on each page, and then click Finish on the Completing the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard page.

  10. After the installation is complete, use ADAM ADSI Edit to confirm that the O=Microsoft,C=US directory partition has been replicated to your second ADAM instance.

Installing a Replica from Media by Using Unattended Installation

In addition to using the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard, you can also install an ADAM instance replica from media. For this type of installation, you must use a restored copy of an ADAM backup as the media and unattended installation as the installation method.

First, you restore your ADAM instance backup to an alternate location, rather than to the original location, so that you do not overwrite your first ADAM instance. Then you create an answer file and perform the unattended installation.

To install an ADAM instance replica by using unattended installation

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Backup.

  2. Use the Backup application to restore the backup of your original ADAM instance, as you did previously. But this time, in Restore files to, click Alternate location instead of Original location, and then type or browse to an alternate directory path to which you want to restore the files, as shown in the following.

    Installing a replica ADAM instance from media

  3. After restoring the backup files, create an answer file for the ADAM unattended installation. An answer file provides the values for the ADAM setup options (the same options that are provided in the Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard). Using any text editor, create a text file called Answer.txt, and then add the following contents to the file. Be sure to replace servername with the host name or DNS name of the computer on which your first ADAM instance is running. Replace C:\media_install\Program Files\Microsoft\ADAM\instance1\data with the path to your restored copy of the first ADAM instance.

    ; The following line specifies to install a replica ADAM instance.
    ; The following line specifies the name to be assigned to the new instance.
    ; The following lines specify the communication ports to use for LDAP and SSL.
    ; The following lines specify the directory location of the restored files.
    ReplicationDataSourcePath=C:\media_install\Program Files\Microsoft\ADAM\instance1\data
    ReplicationLogSourcePath=C:\media _install\Program Files\Microsoft\ADAM\instance1\data
    ; The following lines specify a computer name and ADAM port of an ADAM instance in the 
    ; configuration set you want to join
    ; Replace servername with the name of the computer on which your first ADAM
    ; instance is running
  4. After saving your Answer.txt file, you are ready to run the unattended installation. At a command prompt, type the following:

    Drive:\path**\adamsetup /c:"adaminstall.exe /answer:drive:\pathname\answer.txt"**

    where the first drive:\path is the location of your ADAM download and the second drive:\pathname is the location of the Answer.txt file that you created.

  5. After running this command, you can confirm by using the Services snap-in that a new ADAM instance is installed and running.2

Configuring the Replication Schedule

Now that you have multiple ADAM instances joined in a single configuration set, you can schedule replication. Scheduling replication is optional. As with Active Directory, ADAM always provides a default replication schedule.

To schedule replication between ADAM instances

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to ADAM, and then click ADAM ADSI Edit.

  2. Connect and bind to one of your ADAM instances.


    Because all of your ADAM instances belong to the same configuration set, you can schedule replication on any one of them.

  3. In the console tree, double-click the configuration partition CN=Configuration,CN={GUID}, where GUID is the unique identifier assigned during ADAM setup; double-click the sites container, CN=Sites; and then double-click the default sites container, CN=Default-First-Site-Name. The ADAM ADSI Edit snap-in looks like the following:

    ADAM Default-First-Site-Name


    By default, all ADAM instances that you create belong to a single site, Default-First-Site-Name. In this exercise, all your ADAM instances belong to a single site. Therefore, you are scheduling replication within a site, which is called intrasite replication. For more information about ADAM sites, configuration sets, and replication, see the Active Directory Application Mode Administrator’s Guide. To view the Active Directory Application Mode Administrator’s Guide, click Start, point to All Programs, point to ADAM, and then click ADAM Help.

  4. In the details pane, right-click CN=NTDS Site Settings, and then click Schedule.

  5. In the Schedule dialog box, select the block of time that you want to schedule; click None, Once per Hour, Twice per Hour, or Four Times per Hour as the replication frequency; and then click OK. The Schedule dialog box looks like the following:

    ADAM, scheduling replication


    For intrasite replication, ADAM instances replicate changes through update notifications. The replication frequency schedule only affects intrasite replication when no update notifications occur in the specified time.

Causing Immediate Replication of a Directory Partition

The Active Directory Application Mode Setup Wizard installs an ADAM version of Repadmin.exe, which includes the same functionality as the Active Directory version of Repadmin.exe. As with Active Directory, you can cause the immediate synchronization of a directory partition with replication partners by using Repadmin.exe, as described in this exercise.

To cause immediate replication of a directory partition using Repadmin.exe

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to ADAM, and then click ADAM Tools Command Prompt.

  2. At the command prompt, type the following:

    repadmin /syncall localhost:389 o=Microsoft,c=us


    For more information about repadmin syntax, at the ADAM Tools Command Prompt, type repadmin /?.