Other Resources

Personal Online Support makes it easy to find answers to a variety of questions. The search engine uses a natural language query, allowing you to type your question in your own words and search the vast collection of problem-solving tools and technical information, including Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Submitting questions on the Internet. In the United States and Canada, you can submit your Pay-Per-Incident or Priority Annual support questions on the Internet with Web Response.

  • Microsoft Certified Support Centers. Success and the ability to meet the demands of the competitive market depend on high-quality and well-defined product support in environments that integrate various combinations of hardware, software, and operating systems from multiple vendors. Central to this support is provided by Microsoft Certified Support Centers (MCSCs). MCSCs are industry leading, multi-vendor support providers who have a special relationship with Microsoft that helps ensure that they deliver high quality technical support for Microsoft products.

  • MSDN Online. MSDN Online and MSDN Online Support allow you to search Microsoft developer support information, including the Knowledge Base, troubleshooters, white papers, and downloadable files. For more information about MSDN Online Support, see the MSDN link on the Web Resources page at https://windows.microsoft.com/windows2000/reskit/webresources .

  • Microsoft TechNet. TechNet CDs are packed with valuable and accessible technical information, and monthly editions provide updated information, including Knowledge Base articles, resource kits, the Software Library, Microsoft Services Directory, educational materials, and other useful software and information. For more information about subscribing to TechNet, see the Microsoft TechNet link on the Web Resources page https://windows.microsoft.com/windows2000/reskit/webresources .

  • Technical Newsgroups. Technical newsgroups offer peer support for common computer problems. You can post persistent problems on an appropriate online forum. Other users might have already discovered, reported, and found solutions and workarounds for your problem. Suggestions from others can save you time in tracking down the source of the problem and provide direction for your troubleshooting tasks.