Windows HPC Server 2008: Operations
Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008
This section contains information about how to operate and maintain Windows HPC Server 2008.
C# Example: An Activation Filter that Checks for License Availability
Best Practices for Applying Software Updates in Windows HPC Server 2008
This section includes the following documents:
Title | Description |
This section contains topics about submitting and managing jobs that you have submitted to the cluster. |
This section contains topics about managing the job queue. This section includes procedures and information about job scheduling policies, job templates, and job submission and activation filters. |
This section contains topics about managing nodes, creating node groups, reviewing diagnostic test results, and customizing the metrics collection. |
This section includes guidelines for backing up the head node and the HPC databases installed on the head node. This section also describes the HPC Job Scheduler Service restore mode (included in Windows HPC Server 2008 Service Pack 1), and the additional steps that you must perform before and after restoring the databases to help to bring the cluster to a consistent state. |
Managing SOA Sessions in Windows HPC Server 2008 Step-by-Step Guide |
This guide provides information about how to configure a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) broker node and manage Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) sessions using Windows HPC Server 2008. This guide includes steps for configuring the head node as a broker node, monitoring the WCF broker node and SOA sessions, and creating service usage reports. |
This guide provides information about how to set up and configure the HPC Basic Profile Web Service. This guide also includes information about how to secure, commission, and monitor the HPC Basic Profile Web service. |
This section contains the Help for HPC Cluster Manager and Lizard. Lizard helps you to determine the computational performance and efficiency that can be achieved by your Windows HPC Server 2008 cluster. |